2013年4月9日 星期二

coiled dragons in painted enamels, Triton

Chao-Yang Chan for The New York Times
A Qing dynasty vase.

A Qing era vase in Taipei.

Only two of those works are sturdy enough to be on permanent display — a porcelain vase of white dragons on a red background, specially designed to hold plum blossoms in spring, and an intricate metal vase with peony flowers and coiled dragons in painted enamels.

Enamel Kettles (included in recall)

Picture of Recalled Enamel Tea Kettle

博士論文的課題是英殖民主義對華鴉片貿易而引起鴉片戰爭,後來以「China and The Brave New World: Origins of the Opium War」為書名發表,後來又把自己多年教近代史的筆記發表成另一本書,名叫《海神與龍》Triton and Dragon: Studies on Nineteenth Century China and Imperialism。譚教授說,他做博士研究時,由於主要著重於經濟史,又利用大量中文材料(如《籌辦夷務始末》等),德里大學歷史系派給他的博士指 導只能在文字上對他的論文草稿作些修改,如何寫出有質量的論文全靠自己奮鬥。他還自己花錢到倫敦東印度公司檔案局蒐集資料。

━━ n., vt. (〈英〉-ll-) エナメル(を塗る) (enamel paint); (陶器の)うわ薬(を掛ける); 琺瑯(ほうろう); (歯の)琺瑯質 ((cf. dentine)).
enamel・ware 琺瑯鉄器, 瀬戸引き.


Syllabification: (Tri·ton)
Pronunciation: /ˈtrītn/
Definition of Triton
  • 1 Greek Mythology a minor sea god usually represented as a man with a fish’s tail and carrying a trident and shell trumpet.
2 Astronomy the largest satellite of Neptune, the seventh closest to the planet, discovered in 1846. It has a retrograde orbit, a thin nitrogen atmosphere, and a diameter of 1,678 miles (2,700 km).
