2019年12月6日 星期五

unstuck, glue of trust and truth, come unstuck, drop out, dropout, short stayer, stay put, out of sight, stay the course (or distance)

Without the glue of trust and truth, liberal democracy will sooner or later come unstuck.

H.J. Heinz could become an acquisition target once credit markets become unstuck, Barron's predicted.

Tutor's tip: You don't have to "drop out" (to withdraw from participation) of the talent search just because you are a college "dropout" (one who quits school).

DEATH IN VENICE by Thomas Mann was first published in English translation in the U.S. by Alfred A. Knopf in December 1925.
"But he would 'stay the course' — it was his favorite motto."

As Housing Market Dips, More in U.S. Are Staying Put By SAM ROBERTS
Fewer Americans moved in 2008 than in any year since 1962, the Census Bureau said, a lack of mobility that prompted concerns on the economy.

The New York Times leads with reports that Israel will convene its security cabinet on Saturday to declare a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip, though Israeli troops are expected to stay put in Gaza during the next phase of negotiations.

Fewer Americans Are Relocating Movement into and out of U.S. cities slowed sharply last year as the housing bust forced more Americans to stay put, according to new Census Bureau data.

The Wall Street Journal leads its world-wide newsbox with news that Mohammad Khatami, Iran's reformist former president, has decided to drop out of the race. The move might make it more difficult for reformists to stop the re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Khatami dropped out after a reformist rival vowed to stay in the race and the former president said he didn't want to split the vote.

Sonja Kohn, who gathered billions for Bernard L. Madoff from wealthy investors in Russia and across Europe, has dropped out of sight, leaving the firm she founded, Bank Medici, in the hands of Austrian regulators, who took it over last week.

stay the course (or distance)

Definition of stay the course or distance in English:

1Keep going strongly to the end of a race or contest:critics predicted the car could not stay the distance
1.1Pursue a difficult task to the end:success in small businesses requires determination to stay the course

drop out
Withdraw from participation in a group such as a school, club, or game; also, withdraw from society owing to disillusionment. For example, He couldn't afford the membership dues and had to drop out, or She planned to drop out from college for a year[Late 1800s]

drop out phrasal verb
1 to not do something that you were going to do, or to stop doing something before you have completely finished:
He dropped out of the race after two laps.

2 If a student drops out, they stop going to classes before they have finished their course.

dropout Show phonetics
noun [C]
a person who leaves school, college or university before finishing a course, or a person who lives in an unusual way:
a high school/college dropout
He was a loner and a dropout.

out of sight
1 INFORMAL extremely expensive and more than you are able to spend:
The price of the house we like is out of sight.

2 SLANG excellent:
The group's new record is out of sight!

stay put
to remain in the same place or position:
Just stay put with the cases, while I go and find a taxi.

stay was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.

台灣政治人物下鄉 long stay 並非真正"長居" 而是稍長期的暫居

stay (LIVE) Show phonetics
verb [I]
to live or be in a place for a short time as a visitor:
I stayed in Montreal for two weeks then flew home.
They said they'd stay at/in a hotel.
The children usually stay with their grandparents for a week in the summer.

stay Show phonetics
noun [C]
a period of time that you spend in a place:
She planned a short stay at/in a hotel to celebrate their anniversary.

stayer Show phonetics
noun [C]
The longest stayers are the British, who visit Australia to see friends and relatives.


━━ v. 留まる; (…の間)滞在する; 泊る; 立止まる; 待つ; …のままである; 持ちこたえる, 持続する ((with)); 支える; (くい)止める; (食欲などを)満足させる; (判決などを)延期する; 長居する ((out)).
 be here to stay 〔話〕 定着している.
 come to stay 〔話〕 続く, 永続的なものになる; 泊まりに来る.
 stay away 離れる ((from)) (Don't ~ away so long next time. 近いうちにまたいらっしゃい); じゃまをしない.
 stay behind 後に残る; 後ろの方にいる.
 stay down 低い所にとどまる; (食物などが)(戻されないで)胃に収まる.
 stay in 家にいる; 学校に居残らされる.
 stay on on の状態のままでいる[ある]; (期間が過ぎても)引き続き留まる ((at)).
 stay out 外に出ている; ストライキを続行する.
 stay out of …に近寄らない.
 stay put 動かない[変わらない]ままでいる.
 stay up (寝ないで)起きている.
━━ n. 滞在(期間); 抑制, 妨害; 【法】延期, 猶予 ((on)); A suspension or postponement of a legal action or an execution: granted a stay to the prisoner's execution. (精神的)支え; 〔話〕 持久力; (pl.) =corset.
 stay-at-home ━━ a., n. 出不精の(人).
 stay-down strike 居すわりスト.
 stay・er ━━ n.
 staying power 持久力.
 stay-in strike 〔英〕 =stay-down strike.
  1. To stop or halt; check.
  2. To postpone; delay.
  3. To delay or stop the effect of (an order, for example) by legal action or mandate: stay a prisoner's execution.
  4. To satisfy or appease temporarily: stayed his anger.
  5. To remain during: stayed the week with my parents; stayed the duration of the game.
  6. To wait for; await: “I will not stay thy questions. Let me go;/Or if thou follow me, do not believe/But I shall do thee mischief in the wood” (Shakespeare).

drop out
 phrasal verb
1 to not do something that you were going to do, or to stop doing something before you have completely finished:
He dropped out of the race after two laps.Thompson Drops Out of U.S. Race
Former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson dropped out of the U.S. presidential race after finishing a distant third in Saturday's South Carolina Republican primary. (Statement)

2 If a student drops out, they stop going to classes before they have finished their course. 中途退学

noun [C]中輟生
a person who leaves school, college or university before finishing a course, or a person who lives in an unusual way:學習中(斷)生 中途退学(者)
a high school/college dropout
He was a loner and a dropout.

    1. One who quits school.
    2. One who has withdrawn from a given social group or environment.
  1. Computer Science.
    1. A segment of magnetic tape on which expected information is absent.
    2. The failure to read a bit of stored information.

unstuck (NOT STUCK) Show phonetics
adjective [after verb]
no longer stuck:
The sticky tape on the parcel came unstuck and the whole thing came undone.

unstuck (FAIL) Show phonetics
adjective INFORMAL
come unstuck to experience difficulties and fail:
It was in the third round of the championships that they came unstuck.
