2011年11月25日 星期五

rub off, version, limit down

Taiwan stocks open up; HTC limit down for second session
Reuters Africa
TAIPEI, Nov 25 (Reuters) - Taiwan stocks opened 0.61 percent higher on Friday, led by iron and steel makers, though smartphone maker HTC fell by the 7 percent maximum allowed for a second session after cutting its revenue forecasts. ...

German Beer Consumption Not What It Used to Be

It seems that Germans are sticking to some secret New Year's resolution to
drink less beer -- for the second year in a row. And their good example
has rubbed off on their neighbors.

The DW-WORLD Article

Amazon's Kindle Looks to Europe
European publishers hope the buzz around electronic books in the U.S. will rub off on them now that Kindle's international version is on its way.






そして、いよいよ、本番・・・・。始めは、本来の旨みを出す煎じ方ではないため、どのお茶も同じように感じてられ苦戦しましたが、慣れるに従ってしだい に、特徴がわかるようになった受講生が多くなり、白熱した雰囲気が感じられるようになりました。正答を知るたびに、会場から歓声やため息が漏れ聞こえまし た。

aIMG_4536.JPG aIMG_4538.JPG

茶歌舞伎が終わった後にはお茶とお菓子で懇談、今回のお菓子は「亥の子餅」旧暦の十月に食べるお菓子とのこと。源氏物語にも登場するこのお菓子は、安産祈 願の縁起物で、表面には猪のように焼き色がつけられ、中の「あん」には干し柿や栗、松の実が入った大変豪華なものでした。



1 文学作品などの版。改訂版・翻訳版など。「フランス映画の英語―」「ロング―の曲」 2 商品などの特定の型。特に、機能を向上させていくものの、一つの版。「ワープロソフトの新しい―」→リビジョン

rub off phrasal verb INFORMAL
If a quality or characteristic that someone has rubs off, other people begin to have it because they have been with that person and learnt it from them:
His enthusiasm is starting to rub off on the rest of us.

limit down
Some markets close trading of contracts when the limit down is reached; others allow trading to resume if the price moves away from the day's limit. If there is a major event affecting the market's sentiment toward a particular commodity, it may take several trading days before the contract price fully reflects this change. On each trading day, the trading limit will be reached before the market's equilibrium contract price is met.
