2015年11月27日 星期五

have, promiscuous, promiscuous circulation

By TARA PARKER-POPE The reality is that in many ways, today’s teenagers are more conservative about sex than previous generations.

who can deny that America first conquered the world not with its armies or undercover agents but through the promiscuous circulation of its motion pictures?

Paris Attacks Have Many in France Eager to Fight Back

The attacks by Islamic State militants in Paris less than two weeks ago have awakened a patriotic fervor in France, from a jump in sales of French flags to a surge in enlistment applications.

6(also have got)[WITH OBJECT AND ADVERBIAL OF PLACE] Place or keep (something) in a particular position:Mary had her back to meI soon had the trout in a net
6.1Hold or grasp in a particular way:he had me by the throat

promiscuous Show phonetics
(of a person) having a lot of different sexual partners or sexual relationships, or (of sexual habits) involving a lot of different partners:
I suppose I was quite promiscuous in my youth.
It's an often repeated fallacy that homosexual men have more promiscuous lifestyles than heterosexuals.

promiscuously Show phonetics

promiscuity Show phonetics
noun [U]
when someone is promiscuous


━━ a. 乱雑な, 入り交じった; 無差別の; 〔話〕 偶然の, でたらめな; 乱交の.
 ━━ n.
pro・mis・cu・ous・ly ━━ ad.
pro・mis・cu・ous・ness ━━ n.
