2009年1月20日 星期二

Intellectual Property Rights Out-of-Cycle Reviews , Watch List

U.S. Annuonces Results of IPR Out-of-Cycle Reviews for Poland and Taiwan


WASHINGTON - U.S. Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick today announced the results of USTR's Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Out-of-Cycle Reviews (OCRs) of Poland and Taiwan. As a result of the findings, Poland will remain on the Watch List, and Taiwan will be moved from the Priority Watch List to the Watch List due to the progress it has achieved.

"We are encouraged by the progress made by Poland and Taiwan in taking steps to address long-standing concerns over piracy and counterfeiting of U.S. intellectual property and products," said Zoellick. "However, a common thread in both reviews is the recognition of the need for stronger and sustained enforcement measures, including the necessity to protect data submitted by innovative pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical producers to obtain marketing approval. Protection and enforcement of intellectual property are critical to the continued growth of our economy, and we will vigorously press our trading partners to follow and enforce the rules to protect American creativity, innovation and technology."

The 2004 Special 301 Report, released in May, highlighted a series of continued concerns regarding the lack of adequate protection and enforcement of intellectual property in Poland and Taiwan. The Report placed Poland on the Watch List and kept Taiwan on the Priority Watch List pending Out-of-Cycle Reviews to be conducted in fall 2004.

米国通商代表部(USTR)は1月17日(米国東部時間1月16日)、今年度のスペシャル301条(Special 301=米国通商法の知的財産権に関する対外制裁条項)の「不定期審査」(Out of Cycle Review)の結果、台湾を「監視国」リスト(Watch List)から除外し、経済部 ...
