2023年7月1日 星期六

inflammation, coagulation, Disseminated intravascular

Congratulations to Spinoff Prize 2023 winner SanaHeal! A spinoff from MIT, SanaHeal’s hemostatic paste offers a new strategy to achieve rapid (<10 s) and robust control of severe bleedings independent of blood coagulation capability of patients. In partnership with @merckgroup

That factor is C-reactive protein, or CRP, a blood-borne marker of inflammation that, along with coagulation factors, is now increasingly recognized as the driving force behind clots that block blood flow to the heart. Yet patients are rarely tested for CRP, even if they already have heart problems.



台 中地檢署表示,為避免外界以訛傳訛,先公布法醫研究所的初步鑑定內容,待全部鑑定報告出爐後,會先提示給死者家屬表示意見,再公布鑑定結果。不過,劉小弟 的父親認為,法醫研究所的研判是死亡的結果並非原因,檢方應盡快公布致死原因,不要一點一點放話,製造死者家屬的壓力。





Disseminated intravascular coagulation, or DIC, is a bleeding disorder resulting from the widespread overstimulation of the body's clotting and anticlotting mechanisms in response to illness, stress, or both. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) occurs mainly within the capillaries or the microcirculation. It is a secondary complication of a diverse group of disorders that activate, in some way, the coagulation system.


━━ v. 凝固する[させる].
co・ag・u・lant ━━ n. 凝固剤.
co・ag・u・la・tion ━━ n.
