2009年4月11日 星期六

hautboy, bohemian


This first novel follows urban bohemian Oberlin 美國歐柏林大學graduates, mostly between 1998 and 9/11, in a literary homage to “The Group,” by Mary McCarthy.



1 Also called: hautbois strawberry, haubois
a strawberry, Fragaria moschata, of central Europe and Asia, with large fruit
2 an archaic word for: oboe
[ETYMOLOGY: 16th Century: from French hautbois, from haut high + bois wood, of Germanic origin; see BUSH1]
2009 HC 補
RL翻譯的EMMA 在2007年已出版



A person with artistic or literary interests who disregards conventional standards of behavior.

[French bohémien, from Bohême, Bohemia (from the unconventional lifestyle of Gypsies, erroneously supposed to have come from there).]

bohemian bo·he'mi·an adj.
bohemianism bo·he'mi·an·ism n.


(pron. Ho'-ooy). A strawberry; so called either from the haut bois (high woods) of Bohemia whence it was imported, or from its haut-bois (long-stalk). The latter is the more probable, and furnishes the etymology of the musical instrument also, which has a long mouth-reed.

gulley 拍攝的 '–abundance about Bristol–'。
"–strawberries and only strawberries, could now be thought or spoken of. –'The best fruit in England – everybody's favourite – always wholesome. – these the finest beds and finest sorts. – Delightful to gather for one's self – the only way of really enjoying them. – Morning decidedly the best time – never tired – every sort good – hautboy infinitely superior – no comparison – the others hardly eatable – hautboys very scarce – Chili preferred – white wood finest flavour of all – price of strawberries in London – abundance about Bristol – Maple Grove – cultivation – beds when to be renewed – gardeners thinking exactly different – no general rule – gardeners never to be put out of their way – delicious fruit – only too rich to be eaten much of – inferior to cherries – currants more refreshing – only objection to gathering strawberries the stooping – glaring sun – tired to death – could bear it no longer – must go and sit in the shade.'"

Jane Austen, 'Emma'

hautbois ['obwɑ]
nom masculin

—"The best fruit in England—every body's favourite—always wholesome.—These the finest beds and finest sorts.—Delightful to gather for one's self—the only way of really enjoying them.—Morning decidedly the best time—never tired—every sort good—hautboy infinitely superior—no comparison—the others hardly eatable—hautboys very scarce—Chili preferred—white wood finest flavour of all—price of strawberries in London—abundance about Bristol—Maple Grove—cultivation—beds when to be renewed—gardeners thinking exactly different—no general rule—gardeners never to be put out of their way—delicious fruit—only too rich to be eaten much of—inferior to cherries—currants more refreshing—only objection to gathering strawberries the stooping—glaring sun—tired to death—could bear it no longer—must go and sit in the shade."
- Jane Austen: Emma Vol.3, Ch.6

地點選在艾比(the Abbey),這裡所引的一段是非常熱鬧的景象,大家一面採草莓,一面吱吱喳喳講個不停,至於哪句話是誰說的並不重要,他們談的是草莓,其中有一品種稱為hautboy,查英漢辭典只得到「雙簧管」的解釋,它的字源是法文hautbois(參考前面所引的英英解說),所以有時候乾脆就借用hautbois。本專欄所參考的線上辭典The Collins English Dictionary © 2000 HarperCollins Publishers出乎我意料之外的竟然在第一義就把正確意思點了出來。不過它的法文字義只列了oboe,我查常用的Le Petit Robert也沒有提供與草莓有關的解釋。因此,它雖然源自法文,看來另有發展(這點待查,或者請大家提供資訊共襄盛舉)。從英英解釋的第一義來看,它是指學名為Fragaria moschata的草莓,我的譯文是以「麝香草莓」處理。根據植物辭典(我使用的是台灣商務《中山自然科學大辭典:第八冊植物學》)Fragaria就是薔薇科的草莓,而moschata就是moschate,也就是「有麝香味的」意思。
