2024年4月15日 星期一

in tatters, tattered, to line, numbness of disbelief. The second was disbelief that it was happening so late in the game, after this long uneventful stretch.

Rushdie remembers thinking two things as he saw the assailant hurtling forward, he writes. The first was that death had finally come for him: “So it’s you. Here you are.” The second was disbelief that it was happening so late in the game, after this long uneventful stretch. “Really?” he thought. “Why now, after all these years?”

Vote Leaves EU Emissions Trading in Tatters6



With its prime-time schedule in tatters, NBC bet on the singing competition show "The Voice" by adding a second weekly edition. The gamble paid off.

Every piece of rubbish or equipment was brought down off the mountain: not only his own, but also the tattered tents and empty cartons discarded by other people. In 1993, on K2, he also found and carried down the light, clean bones and ragged clothing of Art Gilkey, an American climber swept away by an avalanche in 1953.

Before and After Massacre, Puzzles Line a Suspect’s Path
By JACK HEALY and SERGE F. KOVALESKI 8 minutes ago
With his academic career in tatters, James Eagan Holmes, the suspect in a mass shooting of Colorado moviegoers, began to assemble another plan, law enforcement officials say.

In a Dark Theater, Protection and Loss

Their families recalled the victims of the shooting attack in Aurora, Colo., with a mixture of love and the numbness of disbelief. 

Alan "Ace" Greenberg, the former chief executive of Bear Stearns told Bloomberg Television that Wall Street changed forever with the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the forced sales of his old firm and Merrill Lynch, leaving the investment banking model he helped create in tatters.

tatters Show phonetics
plural noun
1 in tatters (especially of cloth) badly torn:
Her clothes were old and in tatters.

2 in tatters badly damaged or completely spoiled:
After the newspaper story appeared his reputation was in tatters.

tattered Show phonetics
adjective  Worn to shreds; or wearing torn or ragged clothing.

Usage:At last her rags became so tattered and torn that she was ashamed of appearing in the village any longer.


1 …を線で描く, の輪郭を取る;〈目に〉アイラインをつける;…に線を引く;〈心労などが〉(顔などに)しわをつける[刻む]
lined paper
a lined face
2 〈人・物を〉一直線にする, 一列に並べる;〈捕虜などを〉(処刑のため)整列させる((up))
Line up the boys for roll call.
3 〈人・仕事などを〉(あらかじめ)確保する, 手はずを整える, 〈物を〉手に入れる, つかむ((up)). ▼人の場合は仕事をさせるために, 物の場合はある行為をするために準備すること
line up witnesses for a trial
4 …の概略を(言葉・文章で)説明する, あらましを述べる((out))
I obeyed the instructions he had lined out.
5 〈壁・道路などに沿って〉(…を)並べる((with ...));…に沿って(少しずつ間隔を置いて)並ぶ
line a coast with defenses
6 〈ボールを〉ライナーで打つ.
