2016年5月12日 星期四

ratty, moth-eaten, spontaneity, mutation, Tamiflu resistance

Ms. Peña, a Disney researcher with a background in the casino industry, zeroed in on a ratty rock ’n’ roll T-shirt. Black Sabbath?

It requires a whole new structure, from foundation upward. Mutation might be the word, except that mutation implies unordered spontaneity.

It's Not Yet Curtains for A Moth-Eaten Metaphor

This is a special way of being afraid
No trick dispels. Religion used to try,
That vast, moth-eaten musical brocade
Created to pretend we never die,

mutation, Tamiflu resistance

USA Today gives big front-page play to the stock markets, but devotes its lead spot to increasing evidence that flu viruses are growing more resistant to the drug Tamiflu. In an analysis of Tamiflu resistance researchers found that around 12 percent of the people infected with one of the three most common flu strains had caught a resistant virus. This year, Tamiflu resistance in that strain has reached almost 100 percent.

 might be the word, except that mutation implies unordered spontaneity. Transformation must take place with directed effort. ...

verb [I]
1 to develop new physical characteristics because of a permanent change in the genes. These changes can happen naturally or can be produced by the use of chemicals or radiation:
These bacteria have mutated into forms that are resistant to certain drugs.

2 to change from one thing or type of thing into another:
Jon has mutated from an awkward teenager into a sophisticated young man.

1 [U] the way in which genes change and produce permanent differences:
It is well known that radiation can cause mutation.

2 [C] a permanent change in an organism, or the changed organism itself:
Environmental pressures encourage genes with certain mutations to persist and others to die out.
These plants carry the mutation for red flowers.

noun [C]
1 an organism that is different from others of its type because of a permanent change in its genes:
These mutants lacked a vital protein which gives them immunity to the disease.
This mutant gene is thought to cause cancer.
FIGURATIVE HUMOROUS I'm convinced he's a mutant - he's not a bit like the rest of our family!

2 DISAPPROVING an unpleasant and frightening thing:
The result of these experiments will be a nightmarish world filled with two-headed monsters and other mutants.

resist Show phonetics
1 [I or T] to fight against something or someone that is attacking you:
The soldiers resisted (the enemy attacks) for two days.

2 [T] to refuse to accept or be changed by something:
The party leader resisted demands for his resignation.
He tried to run away from the police and was charged with resisting arrest.
The new hybrid crops are much better at resisting disease.

3 [T] to stop yourself from doing something that you want to do:
I can never resist temptation/chocolate/the urge to laugh.
[+ ing form of verb] She couldn't resist laughing at him in those clothes.

resistance Show phonetics
1 [U] when something or someone resists:
resistance to disease
Government troops offered no resistance (to the rebels).
There's a lot of resistance (= opposition) to the idea of a united Europe.

2 [U] a force which acts to stop the progress of something or make it slower:
The car's speed was reduced by air/wind resistance.

3 [C or U] SPECIALIZED the degree to which a substance prevents the flow of an electric current through it:
Copper has (a) low resistance.

4 the Resistance an organization that secretly fights against an enemy that has taken control of its country

resistant Show phonetics
1 not wanting to accept something, especially changes or new ideas:
Why are you so resistant to change?

2 not harmed or affected by something:
a stain-resistant carpet
a disease-resistant variety of tomato

WordNet: moth-eaten
Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.
The adjective has 3 meanings:
Meaning #1: showing signs of wear and tear
Synonyms: ratty, shabby, tatty
Meaning #2: worn or eaten away by or as if by moths
Meaning #3: lacking originality or spontaneity; no longer new
Synonyms: old, stale

adj., -ti·er, -ti·est.

  1. Of or characteristic of rats.
  2. Infested with rats.
  3. Dilapidated; shabby.

ADJECTIVE (rattierrattiest)

1Resembling or characteristic of a rat:his ratty eyes glittered
1.1(Of a place) infested with rats:a ratty quarter acre of ground
1.2informal In bad condition; shabby or ramshackle:a ratty old armchair
2[PREDICATIVE] British informal Bad-tempered and irritable:I was a bit ratty with the children

noun [U]
heavy cloth with a raised design often of gold or silver threads:
curtains of rich brocade



happening or done in a natural, often sudden way, without any planning or without being forced:
His jokes seemed spontaneous, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand.
APPROVING She's such a spontaneous, lively woman.

The liquid spontaneously ignited.

The script has a refreshing spontaneity and sparkle.
