2024年1月25日 星期四

guardrail, guide rail, henna artist. President Biden Issues Executive Order to Create A.I. Safeguards

A.I. companies said they had established guardrails that could prevent their A.I. systems from producing material that violates copyright. But Mr. Marcus said that despite those strategies, copyrighted material still slips through.

President Biden Issues Executive Order to Create A.I. Safeguards

The order is a first step as the administration seeks to put guardrails on a technology that offers great promise but also carries significant danger.

ChatGPT和其他熱門機器人以大型語言模型作其AI系統的學習基礎。不過,使用這些聊天機械人往往要面對得到錯誤或不可靠信息的風險。最近,英偉達公司(Nvidia Corp.)推出軟件NeMo Guardrails,嘗試確保聊天機器人不偏離話題,減少它們提供限制性資訊的可能。而NeMo Guardrails是開源軟件,英偉達這樣做可提高網路社區的關注,讓聊天機械人科技更上一層樓嗎?

At Starbucks, a new set of “nutritional guardrails” were put in place over the last year not because of legal mandates but because customers wanted it, said Katie Thomson, the company’s nutritionist.

Guard rail, sometimes referred to as guide rail, is a system designed to keep people or vehicles from (in most cases unintentionally) straying into dangerous or off-limits areas. A handrail is less restrictive than a guard rail and provides both support and the protective limitation of a boundary.Wikipedia article "Guard rail".

2008The art went up as the city was debating the fallout of the deadly attacks in Mumbai last month. After a series of bomb scares, security at the displays was doubled. The installations, with expensive DVDs, projectors, plasma TV and lights, were put in places crowded with henna artists, homeless beggars, shoe-polishers, map-sellers and stray dogs.

美國食品及藥物管理局並未核准指甲花的產品可以直接使用在皮膚上,只有當做染髮劑使用的相關產品,才可以輸入到美國國內[8]。美國尚未許可使用指甲花做為人體彩繪(body art)的原料,以指甲花來做人體彩繪是違法的行為,進口至美國的相關製品會被扣押沒收。[9]

n. - 指甲花, 紅褐色, 指甲花染料
v. tr. - 用棕紅色染劑染...

n. - ヘンナ, ヘンナ染料



手すり, ガードレール; (鉄道の)補助レール.


KK: []
DJ: []
n. (名詞 noun)
  1. 欄杆
