2008年10月26日 星期日

Dominion Domination

today's papers
Dominion Domination
By Ryan Grim
Posted Monday, Oct. 27, 2008, at 2:00 AM ET

The Washington Post leads with a poll showing Barack Obama up eight points against John McCain in Virginia. If McCain loses the Old Dominion, he'll have to run the table in states where he's currently down much more than eight. The Los Angeles Times leads with news that voting by mail will be at historic levels in California and elsewhere, transforming the relationship voters have with the trappings of democracy. The New York Times highlights the predicament McCain is in.

Old Dominion

A nickname for Virginia. King Charles II gave Virginia this name because of its loyalty to England during the English Civil War (1642-49).


(dŏm'ə-nā'shən) pronunciation
    1. Control or power over another or others.
    2. The exercise of such control or power.
  1. dominations Christianity. The fourth of the nine orders of angels in medieval angelology. Also called dominions.

Dominations:宰制天使;宰制天神:出自聖保祿的書信(弗一21)。為九品天使之一。詳見 choirs of angels。
