2008年8月15日 星期五

prescribe or proscribe


v., -scribed, -scrib·ing, -scribes. v.tr.
  1. To set down as a rule or guide; enjoin. See synonyms at dictate.
  2. To order the use of (a medicine or other treatment).
  1. To establish rules, laws, or directions.
  2. To order a medicine or other treatment.
  3. Law.
    1. To assert a right or title to something on the grounds of prescription.
    2. To become invalidated or unenforceable by the process of prescription.

[Middle English prescriben, from Latin praescrībere : prae-, pre- + scrībere, to write.]



tr.v., -scribed, -scrib·ing, -scribes.
  1. To denounce or condemn.
  2. To prohibit; forbid. See synonyms at forbid.
    1. To banish or outlaw (a person).
    2. To publish the name of (a person) as outlawed.

[Middle English proscriben, from Latin prōscrībere, to put up someone's name as outlawed : prō-, in front; see pro–1 + scrībere, to write.]
