2016年2月5日 星期五

orientation, transfer, reorient, transference, irrefutable

1. on Page 216:
"... common set of basic assumptions about the nature of the world and our ability to know things about it. Simon reoriented his intellectual and technical practice around the computer . ..."
2. from Back Matter:
"... cognitive psychology from the late 1950s to the present. In the course of developing his model of homo adaptivus, Simon reoriented both his intellectual and his technical practice around the computer. ..."
用reorientate 可能比較好

Statistical theory is transferable: the symbols don't care what the material is.

U.S. Seeks Data Exchange

The United States is negotiating deals with European countries to exchange fingerprint and DNA data in criminal and terrorist cases, and in some circumstances to transfer data on race or ethnic origin, political and religious beliefs, or sexual orientation.
(By Ellen Nakashima, The Washington Post)

Rising again. [R.]
The life reorient out of dust.
IN BRIEF: v. - Determine your location once again.

orientate (AIM) UK Show phonetics
verb [T usually + adverb or preposition] (US orient)
to aim something at someone or something, or make something suitable for a particular group of people:
It is essential that the public sector orientates itself more towards the consumer.

orientated UK Show phonetics
adjective (US oriented)
directed towards or interested in something:
The industry is heavily orientated towards export markets.

-orientated UK Show phonetics
suffix (US -oriented)
showing the direction in which something is aimed:
She wants to turn the company into a profit-orientated organization.

orientation Show phonetics
noun [U]
the particular interests, activities or aims that someone or something has:
We employ people without regard to their political or sexual orientation.


━━ n. (the O-) 東洋; 極東; 〔詩〕 (the ~) 東; (東洋原産の)上等真珠(の光沢).
━━ v. 東に向ける; (教会を)聖壇が東に来るように建てる; 正しい方位に置く; 位置[方位]を定める; (環境などに)順応[適応]する[させる]; …の興味を向ける ((to, toward(s))).
orient oneself 自分の態度を定める.
━━ a. 〔詩〕 東の; (日が)昇る; (宝石が)光沢の美しい.
O・ri・en・tal ━━ a., n. (時にo-) 東洋の; (時にo-) 東の; 東洋人.
O・ri・en・tal・ism, o・ri・en・tal・ism n. 東洋風[学]; 東洋文化.
O・ri・en・tal・ist, o・ri・en・tal・ist n. 東洋通[学者].
O・ri・en・tal・ize v. 東洋的にする[なる], 東洋化する.
 ━━ vt.orient.
o・ri・en・ta・tion n. 東に向けること; 【建】聖壇を東向きにすること; 方位(測定); 態度是正; 【心】見当識(けんとうしき); (新環境への)順応, 適化; 【教育】オリエンテーション; 【生物】定位; 方針.
o・ri・ent・ed ━━ a. …志向の, …を重視する (science-~ed 科学志向の).
Orient Express (the ~) オリエント急行 ((パリとイスタンブールを結ぶ豪華列車; 1977年廃止されたが, 再開後パリ―ヴェニス間を走る)).

transfer (MOVE) Show phonetics
verb -rr-
1 [T] to move someone or something from one place, vehicle, person or group to another:
He has been transferred to a psychiatric hospital.
She transferred her gun from its shoulder holster to her handbag.
We were transferred from one bus into another.
Police are investigating how £20 million was illegally transferred from/out of the Trust's bank account.
The aim is to transfer power/control/responsibility to self-governing regional councils.
I'll be upstairs, so could you transfer my phone calls (= arrange that I can receive them) up there please?

2 [I or T; usually + adverb or preposition] to change to a different job, team, place of work, etc., or to make someone do this:
After a year he transferred to University College, Dublin.
Some very high-profile British players have transferred to clubs abroad.
He threatened to give up football if his club didn't transfer him (= sell him to another team).

3 [T] to make something the legal property of another person:
She transferred the house to her daughter before she died.

transfer Show phonetics
1 [C or U] when something or someone moves or is moved from one place, position, etc. to another:
the transfer of information
Black's transfer to an Italian football club came as a shock to Coventry supporters.
The official transfer of ownership will take a few days to complete.

2 [C] a player who has moved from one sports team to another:
They've a new transfer from Tottenham playing for them.

3 [C] US a ticket which allows a passenger to change routes or to change from one bus or train to another

transference Show phonetics
noun [U]
1 FORMAL the process of moving something or someone from one place, position, etc. to another:
UN observers were there to ensure the smooth transference of power.

2 SPECIALIZED in psychology, when a person who is receiving treatment transfers the thoughts and emotions they have been having about one person on to someone else, especially the person who is trying to treat them: 移情
Therapists should always be on the lookout for transference from their clients.

The theory seems to be irrefutable just because the act of transference of people's will cannot be verified.

transferable Show phonetics
The tickets were marked 'Not Transferable'.
