2022年3月31日 星期四

lustration, abduction, hand over fist,

 Google is still pulling in money hand over fist, but Wall Street is hungry for the company's next act. 

Jesse Matthew was found on a beach some 1,300 miles from where he's wanted in the disappearance of missing student Hannah Graham. He had been sought on suspicion of abduction with the intent to defile:http://cnn.it/1Dyt9Gg
官方公佈檔案的行為,也惹來外界質疑,像現在這樣任意公佈舊檔案,那麼當年推行除垢法(lustration law)意義何在。1991年通過的除垢法已經排除那些曾任特務線民或情治高官,出任重要政經職位的權利。甚且現在公佈的檔案只有名單,而缺乏他們與情治 單位合作的具體事證,那該如何評斷或公佈這些資料的意義何在。普拉克激烈的抗議動作得到社民黨的支持,針對官方表示還會陸續公佈相關資料,社民黨表示他們並不關心過去的問題,也無意重開檔案。
轉型正義週訊 Vol.11 (2008/8/6)
* 2008-08-05捷克:公佈共黨時期情治檔案引起爭議
東歐各國在共黨垮台後,多頒佈施行淨化法(Lustration Law),曾在共黨時期為情治單位或秘密警察服務,或擔任告密者的人,會被禁止出任重要公職。繼阿爾巴尼亞之後,馬其頓(Macedonia)終於也已經 開始準備實施淨化法,堪稱最晚著手清理共黨遺產的國家。

hand over fist
If you make or lose money hand over fist, you make or lose a lot of money very quickly:Business was good and we were making money hand over fist.


Line breaks: ab|duc¦tion
Pronunciation: /əbˈdʌkʃn/


1The action of forcibly taking someone away against their will:they organized the abduction of Mr Cordes on his way to the airport[COUNT NOUN]: abductions by armed men in plain clothes
1.1(In legal use) the illegal removal of a child from itsparents or guardians:the man is also accused of the attemptedabduction of another youngster
2Physiology The movement of a limb or other part away from the midline of the body, or from another part. The opposite of adduction (see adduct1).


Line breaks: lus|trate
Pronunciation: /ˈlʌstreɪt


Purify by expiatory sacrificeceremonial washing, or some other ritual action:soul lustrated in the baptismal waters


early 17th century: from Latin lustrat- 'purified by lustral rites', from the verb lustrare, from lustrum (see lustrum).
    A freeing from sin, guilt, or defilement: purgation, purification. Seeclean/dirty, religion.

[L. lustratio: cf. F. lustration.]
1. The act of lustrating or purifying.
And holy water for lustration bring.
Dryden. 2. (Antiq.) A sacrifice, or ceremony, by which cities, fields, armies, or people, defiled by crimes, pestilence, or other cause of uncleanness, were purified.

Modern use

In the period after the fall of the various European Communist states in 1989–1991, the term came to refer to the policy of limiting participation of former communists, and especially informants of the communist secret police, in the successor governments or even in civil service positions. As of 1996 various lustration laws of varying scope were implemented in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Albania, Bulgaria, the Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia), Germany, Poland, Romania, Russia[citation needed] and Ukraine[citation needed]; it should be noted that regional differences were very significant (for example, in the Czech Republic and Germany the lustration was much stronger than in other countries). As of 1996 lustration laws did not exist in Belarus, nor in the former Soviet Central Asian Republics (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan) (Ellis, 1996).
The main goal of lustration is to rid these countries of any past abuses that had occurred under a former regime. This purification process is carried in many ways such as banning former members of the communist parties, or people involved, from being involved in public positions.[2]
