2008年8月12日 星期二

-ship (RANK), befriend, friendship, viewership

Pound believed William Butler Yeats was the greatest living poet, and befriended him in England.[2]

Reuters - USA
By Eric Auchard SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Google Inc showed modest growth during February in a closely watched report released on Wednesday on how search ...

viewing Show phonetics
noun [C] (UK ALSO view)
an occasion for a special look at an exhibition, film, etc:
We've been invited to a private viewing, before the exhibition opens.
noun [C]
1 a person who watches something, especially television:
Millions of viewers will be glued to their sets for this match.

2 a device for looking at slides (= photographs on small pieces of film)
-ship (RANK) Show phonetics
having the rank, position, skill or relationship of the stated type:

to be friendly towards someone:
He was befriended by an old lady.

friend (COMPANION)
noun [C]
1 a person whom you know well and whom you like a lot, but who is usually not a member of your family:
She's my best/oldest/closest friend - we've known each other since we were five.
He's a family friend/friend of the family.
This restaurant was recommended to me by a friend of mine.
We've been friends for years.
José and Pilar are (good) friends of ours.
We're (good) friends with José and Pilar.
She said that she and Peter were just (good) friends (= they were not having a sexual relationship).
I've made a lot of friends in this job.
He finds it difficult to make friends.
See also befriend.

2 someone who is not an enemy and whom you can trust:
You don't have to pretend anymore - you're among friends now.

3 someone who gives money to a theatre, other arts organization or charity in order to support it:
The Friends of the Royal Academy raised £10 000 towards the cost of the exhibition.

without friends:
Friendless and jobless, he wondered how he would survive the year ahead.

1 behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards someone:
a friendly face/smile
Our neighbours have always been very friendly to/towards us.
I'm on quite friendly terms with my daughter's teacher.
Are you friendly with (= a friend of) Graham?
NOTE: The opposite is unfriendly.

2 describes a place that is pleasant and that makes you feel happy and comfortable:
It's a friendly little restaurant.

3 A friendly game or argument is one which you play or have for pleasure and in order to practise your skills, rather than playing or arguing seriously with the aim of winning:
We were having a friendly argument about Green politics.
The teams are playing a friendly match on Sunday.

4 Friendly countries and friendly soldiers are ones who are not your enemies and who are working or fighting with you.

noun [C]
a game which is played for enjoyment and in order to practise, not with the aim of winning points as part of a serious competition:
The rugby club has a friendly next week against the Giants.

1 used at the end of words to mean 'not harmful':
environmentally-friendly detergent
ozone-friendly aerosols
dolphin-friendly tuna (= fish caught without harming dolphins).

2 used at the end of words to mean 'suitable for particular people to use':
a family-friendly restaurant

noun [U]

noun [C or U]
when two people are friends:
Their friendship goes back to when they were at school together.
Did you form any close/lasting friendships while you were at college?
I value her friendship above anything else.
