2023年2月11日 星期六

scruffy, dabble, ear-splitting jackhammers, immortalized

Here Lawrence not only wrote under a lofty pine later immortalized by O'Keeffe in "The Lawrence Tree," he also began to dabble in painting himself, signing his canvases "Lorenzo." LONDON — The ear-splitting jackhammers on Whitechapel High Street here meld easily into the sonic landscape of this cacophonous and scruffy section of the East End, home to the Whitechapel Gallery since 1901. Google’s shares have lost more than half their value in the last year, and some analysts complain that the company has a long history of dabbling in new initiatives with mixed results. It still relies on one business — small text ads that appear next to search results and on other sites — for the bulk of its earnings. For years, Japanese have associated beards with hippies at best, criminals at worst. Some companies even banned them as too scruffy. Now, as social etiquette evolves and younger men dabble with facial hair, Energizer Holdings Inc.'s Schick-Wilkinson Sword brand and Procter & Gamble Co.'s Braun are jumping in with advice to try to sell more trimmers and shavers.
期 以來﹐蓄鬍子讓日本人產生的聯想說得好聽是“嬉皮士”﹐不好聽則是“罪犯”。有些公司甚至認為鬍子不整潔而禁止員工留鬍子。不過﹐隨著社會習俗的變遷﹐眼 下年輕日本男子開始嘗試留鬍鬚。與此同時﹐勁量公司(Energizer Holdings Inc.)旗下的Schick-Wilkinson Sword和寶潔公司麾下的博朗(Braun)也開始競相給日本消費者出謀劃策﹐希望借此推銷更多的鬍鬚修剪器和剃鬚刀。


immortal Show phonetics adjective 1 living or lasting forever: immortal God The priest said he was endangering his immortal soul. 2 very special and famous and therefore likely to be remembered for a long time: In the immortal words of Samuel Goldwyn, "Include me out".

the immortals plural noun LITERARY the Greek or Roman gods immortal Show phonetics noun [C] LITERARY someone who is so famous that they are remembered for a long time after they are dead: She is one of the immortals of classical opera. immortality Show phonetics noun [U] FIGURATIVE The Wright brothers achieved immortality with the first powered flight in 1903.

immortalize, UK USUALLY
immortalise Show phonetics verb [T often passive] to make someone or something so famous that they are remembered for a very long time: Marlene Dietrich was immortalized through her roles in films like 'The Blue Angel'.

ear-splitting Show phonetics adjective (ALSO ear-piercing
describes a sound that is so loud or high that it hurts your ears: an ear-splitting explosion ear-piercing screams 

pneumatic drill noun [C] (US ALSO jackhammer) a powerful tool which is held in the hand and operates by air pressure, used for breaking hard surfaces such as roads 

  scruff (PERSON)  noun [C] UK INFORMAL a dirty and untidy person: I feel a bt of a scruff in my jeans. scruffy PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics adjective untidy and dirty: They live in a rather scruffy part of town. a small, scruffy-looking man

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dabble (TRY) 
 verb [I] to take a slight and not very serious interest in a subject, or try a particular activity for a short period: He first dabbled in politics when he was at law school. She dabbled with drugs at university.


━━ v. 水をはねかす, ぽちゃぽちゃやる; 道楽半分にやる ((in, at)). dab・bler ━━ n.
