2008年7月24日 星期四

Luce Chapel, grant

Taiwan Campus to Get Luce Chapel

October 31, 1958, Friday

Page 4, 197 words

Construction of the Henry W. Luce Chapel at Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, will begin Nov. 15. Dr. Henry P. Van Dusen, president of the United Board for Christian Higher Education, announced yesterday that a grant of $100,000 from the Henry Luce Foundation would make it possible.

路思義教堂以雙曲拋物面構成; 形狀如山, 或說如拱手。雖說為簡單的四片板塊, 但自下而上每一曲面的角度都不同, 至上方已成為兩個平行的垂直面, 此一設計使路思義教堂不論在實體建構或模型製作時均為高難度的作品。面與面間不接觸, 而以鋼架及玻璃構成的窗戶相連, 構成獨特的「一線天」式樣。每天早晨陽光即從天窗沿著教堂中心線灑入, 而於十點時射在講台的十字架上, 配合教會禮拜的時間, 使空間充滿宗教的感動。內部為一個個小方格的設計, 使外部為凹面構成的教堂, 自內部看顯得寬敞。虛擬聖境:世界宗教建築縮影The greatest sacred buildings
Wikipedia article "Henry Luce".


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grant (MONEY) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a sum of money given especially by the government to a person or organization for a special purpose:
a student/research grant
a local authority/government grant
[+ to infinitive] They gave/awarded her a grant to study abroad for one year.
