2008年7月24日 星期四

head (GO) (LEADER), Hydra

July 24, 2008 -- 2:35 a.m. EDT
Microsoft's Johnson Heads to Juniper
Microsoft executive Kevin Johnson, who headed online efforts and led the bid to buy Yahoo, is leaving to run Juniper Networks. Microsoft plans a reorganization.

2008年 10月14日 我在某家 Starbucks 碰到一位新進員工
他向我解釋某些咖啡豆 我能說出他的洋名字的背後故事

Hydra Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.
The noun has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: (Greek mythology) monster with nine heads; when struck off each head was replaced by two new ones
Meaning #2: a long faint constellation in the southern hemisphere near the equator stretching between Virgo and Cancer
Synonym: Snake

head (GO) Show phonetics
verb [I + adverb or preposition]
to go in a particular direction:
I was heading out of the room when she called me back.
We were heading towards Kumasi when our truck broke down.
He headed straight for (= went towards) the fridge.
I think we ought to head back/home (= return to where we started) now, before it gets too dark.

headed Show phonetics
adjective [after verb]
Which way are you headed (= In which direction are you going)?
head (LEADER) Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 someone in charge of or leading an organization, group, etc:
the head of the History department
the head chef

2 MAINLY UK a headteacher

3 MAINLY UK head boy/girl a boy or girl who is the leader of the other prefects and often represents his or her school on formal occasions

head Show phonetics
verb [T]
to be in charge of a group or organization:
She heads one of Britain's leading travel firms.
Judge Hawthorne was chosen to head the team investigating the allegations of abuse.

headship Show phonetics
1 [C] the position of being in charge of an organization or, especially in Britain, in charge of a school:
Dozens of well-qualified teachers applied for the headship.

2 [C usually singular] the period during which a particular person is in charge of a school or other organization:
A lot of changes have taken place during her headship.
