2024年2月20日 星期二

Eugenics, euthanasia, terminal illness, terminally ill, chairlift. died in a joint act of euthanasia.

Feb. 14, 2024

German Geneticists Condemn Nazi Eugenics Program

Geneticists in Germany on Monday marked the 75th anniversary of the
"Prevention of Progeny with Hereditary Diseases Act," by condemning the
euthanization of thousands of handicapped people during the Third Reich.

The DW-WORLD Article

Terminally ill residents of the most populous American state win a long battle
After an agonising delay, America’s largest state will let doctors help the…

倫敦希思羅機場第五號航站樓星期四正式商業運作,第一天的運作錯誤百出,有報章語帶相關地把"不治之症"(Terminal illness)這個詞用於所謂的"航站樓病患"。

chairlift (technically, an elevated passenger ropeway), is a type of aerial lift, which consists of a continuously circulating steel cable loop strung between two end terminals and usually over intermediate towers, carrying a series of chairs. They are the primary onhill transport at most ski areas (in such cases referred to as 'skilifts'), but are also found at amusement parks, various tourist attractions, and increasingly, in urban transport.

Summer 1957 was a hot one, wrote the Berliner Zeitung. But soaring temperatures didn't keep some 1.4 million people from visiting the Interbau exhibit in Berlin.
When the show drew to a close in late September, 900,000 people had viewed the Hansa neighborhood alone and 375,000 had ridden the chair-lift specially built for the first Interbau event, added the Berlin paper.

Interbau: The Modernization of Germany

A chairlift in Bad Hofgastein, Austria
A chairlift in Bad Hofgastein, Austria

terminal was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.

Chaos continues at Heathrow Airport's new terminal



--> ━━ n. 優生学.


━━ n. 大往生; 安楽死(術).


('thə-nā'zhə, -zhē-ə) pronunciation

The act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition, as by lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment.
[Greek euthanasiā, a good death : eu-, eu- + thanatos, death.]
