2008年9月14日 星期日

communion, open-air mass

Communion:(1) 領聖體;領主:通常 Holy Communion兩字連用。(2) 領主詠:彌撒中的領主詠。(3) 共融;契合;相通;溝通;分享:與天主教會圓滿共融的成員為:受過洗禮後,在基督有形的結構內,以信德宣言、聖事和教會的治理而團結一起的人(法典205)。(4) 教派;宗教團體;團契。


(kə-myūn'yən) pronunciation
  1. The act or an instance of sharing, as of thoughts or feelings.
  2. Religious or spiritual fellowship.
  3. A body of Christians with a common religious faith who practice the same rites; a denomination.
  4. Communion Ecclesiastical.
    1. The sacrament of the Eucharist received by a congregation.
    2. The consecrated elements of the Eucharist.
    3. The part of the Mass or a liturgy in which the Eucharist is received.

[Middle English communioun, Christian fellowship, Eucharist, from Old French communion, from Late Latin commūniō, commūniōn-, from Latin, mutual participation, from commūnis, common. See common.]

Benedict leads mass in Paris

Continuing his visit to France, Pope Benedict XVI has been leading an open-air mass in Paris, attended by 200,000 followers. Later this Saturday, the Pontiff makes a pilgrimage to Lourdes in southern France. The Pope was welcomed to Paris on Friday by President Nicolas Sarkozy and held brief talks with French Jewish leaders and leaders of France's five-million strong Muslim community. France is home to 35 million baptised Roman Catholics, but only about 10 percent attend mass regularly. In a keynote speech, Benedict warned that humanity faces "disaster" if it turns away from religion. For several centuries France has upheld a strict separation of church and state.

mass1, Mass

━━ n. 【カトリック】ミサ; ミサ曲.
High Mass 荘厳ミサ.
say [read] mass ミサを行う.
