2022年3月28日 星期一

"unprovoked and cowardly""a legitimate strike in self-defense." launched an unprovoked assault on

Russia’s president has launched an unprovoked assault on his neighbour
History will judge Vladimir Putin harshly for his war
History will judge Vladimir Putin harshly for his war
Russia’s president has launched an unprovoked assault on his neighbou

today's papers
Strike Out
By Daniel Politi Posted Thursday, June 12, 2008, at 6:16 AM ET The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal's world-wide newsbox lead with news that U.S. forces launched a series of intense airstrikes that killed 11 Pakistani paramilitary soldiers along the Afghan border in an attack that immediately raised tensions between the American and Pakistani governments. Details are still sketchy and no one really knows what exactly happened on Tuesday night but what is clear is that the attack threatened the already fragile relations between the United States and one of its key allies in the region. Early yesterday the Pakistani military said the airstrikes were "unprovoked and cowardly" while the Pentagon characterized it as "a legitimate strike in self-defense."

provoke (CAUSE REACTION)  verb [T] to cause a reaction, especially a negative one: The prospect of increased prices has already provoked an outcry. Test results provoked worries that the reactor could overheat. 

  provocative  adjective causing thought about interesting subjects: The programme will take a detailed and provocative look at the problem of homelessness. 

provoke (ANGER) 
 verb [T] to make or try to make a person or an animal angry: It was a vicious-looking dog and I didn't want to provoke it. He was clearly trying to get at me but I refused to be provoked. I was provoked into the argument. 

 noun [C or U] an action or statement that is intended to make someone angry: He'd fly into a rage at the slightest provocation. 

 adjective 1 causing an angry reaction, usually intentionally: a provocative question/remark In a deliberately provocative speech, she criticised the whole system of government. 2 If behaviour or clothing is provocative, it is intended to cause sexual desire: She slowly leaned forward in a provocative way.
 adverb She dresses very provocatively (= intending to cause sexual desire).
