2023年5月6日 星期六

stack up, funnel, corridor, travel corridors, . the stack, evacuation corridor, corridors of power(be stacked against, take (PERFORM WELL). How Europe’s cities stack up in the cost-of-living index The region is home to some of this year’s biggest climbers

The region is home to some of this year’s biggest climbers
How Europe’s cities stack up in the cost-of-living index
The region is home to some of this year’s biggest climbers
As Sudan descended into war, French officials helped create an evacuation corridor out of chaos. Senior diplomats and army officers spoke to 1843 magazine about how they did it:

Trump Stacks the Pentagon and Intel Agencies With Loyalists. To What End?

The appointees’ sudden appearance amounts to a purge of the Pentagon’s top civilian hierarchy without recent precedent.

How Europe’s cities stack up in the cost-of-living index
The arrival of new officials at the Pentagon and the N.S.A. has prompted concerns. Their backgrounds offer insights.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): travel corridors - GOV.UK
www.gov.uk › guidance › coronavir...

13 時間前 - are travelling or returning from one of the countries with travel corridor exemption; have not been to or stopped in a country that's not on the travel corridors exemption list in the previous 14 days. This applies to all travel ...

England unlocks travel with 59 countries -- but not US | CNN ...
www.cnn.com › travel › article › eng...

11 時間前 - Officials have revealed a new "travel corridor" list, with travelers from 59 nations -- including France, Germany, Italy and Spain -- and 14 British Overseas Territories no longer having to self-isolate for 14 days on arrival. The list, ...

DeVos Funnels Coronavirus Relief Funds to Favored Private and Religious Schools

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, using discretion written into the coronavirus stabilization law, is using millions of dollars to pursue long-sought policy goals that Congress has blocked.

Lexington travels to Findlay, Ohio to talk with blue-collar workers who feel that the economy is stacked against them. The lesson? There are no short-cut solutions to their anger

Today, it is said that there are three things every Harvard student must do before graduating: pee on the John Harvard statue, run in Primal Scream, and have sex in the Widener stacks. Yet the lore of Harvard's "Three Things" only developed recently.

The project most closely associated with Mr. Zumthor is the spa he completed in 1996 for the Hotel Therme in Vals, an Alpine village in Switzerland. Using slabs of quartzite that evoke stacked Roman bricks, Mr. Zumthor created a contemporary take on the baths of antiquity.

verb [I] tooktaken
to work or perform as expected:
These new plants haven't taken - they don't like this dry soil.


  • 1. 取ること、取得{しゅとく}、獲得{かくとく}、取ったもの、取られたもの
  • 2. 利益{りえき}、売上高{うりあげだか}、収穫{しゅうかく}(高)、取り分、所得{しょとく}、一日の収入、あがり◆通例 the take
  • 3. 〔映画撮影{えいが さつえい}の〕テーク、撮影{さつえい}ショット
  • 4. 見解{けんかい}、見方{みかた}、解釈{かいしゃく}
    ・My take on this is that any leeway should be minimal. 私の見解では、いかなる自由裁量も最小限にすべきだ。
    ・This is just my take, but this system is not reliable. 私の個人的見解に過ぎないのですが、このシステムは信頼できません。
  • 5. 〈俗〉試み、試し
    ・I passed the exam [examination] on the second take. その試験に2回目のトライでパスした。

Stacks Diagram

Layout of the Stacks

Level 1 of the Widener stacks is even with the first floor of the building. Above level 1 rise levels 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Below level 1 are levels A, B, C, and D. The Widener stacks are laid out in two sectors, East and West. See Organization of Widener Collections for a visual overview of collection locations in the stacks.

Some Widener materials are located in Pusey Library, which is an underground facility located to the east of Widener. A tunnel leads from the Widener stacks level D-East (in the same corridor as the elevator) into level P2 of Pusey.

藍煙囪輪船公司(The Blue Funnel Line);
在他游说下, Swire 爽快地答应投资于他朋友的Ocean Steam Ship Company (其后易名为Blue Funnel Line) ,Holt 则答应,假如Swire 打算在上海自立门户,便会让Swire 担任 ...

(be stacked against/in favour of) 

Used to refer to a situation which is such that an unfavourable or a favourable outcome is overwhelmingly likely:

the odds were stacked against Fiji in the World Cup
1A pile of objects, typically one that is neatly arranged:stack of boxes
1.1(a stack of/stacks ofinformal A large quantity of something:there’s stacks of work for me now

(the stacks) Units of shelving in part of a library normally closed to the public, used to store books compactly:the demand for items from the stacks[AS MODIFIER]: the new premises provided a reading room and a stack room



Definition of stack (Entry 2 of 2)

transitive verb

1ato arrange in a stack PILE
bto pile in or onstacked the table with booksstack the dishwasher
2ato arrange secretly for cheatingstack a deck of cards
bto arrange or fix so as to make a particular result likelythe odds are stacked against uswill stack juries to suit themselves— Patrice Horn
3ato assign (an airplane) by radio to a particular altitude and position within a group circling before landing
bto put into a waiting lineanother dozen rigs are stacked up and waiting— P. H. Hutchins, Jr.
4COMPARE used with againstsuch a crime is nothing when stacked against a murder— Pete Censky

intransitive verb

to form a stack

stack up


stacked upstacking upstacks up

intransitive verb

to add up TOTAL
usually used with against

funnel (TUBE)
noun [C]
an object which has a wide round opening at the top, sloping sides, and a narrow tube at the bottom, used for pouring liquids or powders into containers with narrow necks:
When you've ground the coffee, use a funnel to pour it into the jar.

verb -ll- or US USUALLY -l-
1 [I or T; usually + adverb or preposition] to put something, or to travel, through a funnel or something that acts like a funnel:
The wind funnels down these narrow streets.
The children funnelled along the corridor into the school hall.
If you funnel the oil into the engine, you're less likely to spill it.

2 [T usually + adverb or preposition] to send something directly and intentionally:
No one knows who has been funnelling weapons to the terrorists.funnel (PIPE) Show phonetics
noun [C] (US ALSO smokestack)
a vertical metal pipe on the top of a ship or steam train through which smoke comes out


  1. A narrow hallway, passageway, or gallery, often with rooms or apartments opening onto it.
    1. A tract of land forming a passageway, such as one that allows an inland country access to the sea through another country.
    2. A restricted tract of land for the passage of trains.
    3. Restricted airspace for the passage of aircraft.
    4. The restricted path followed by a spacecraft on a particular mission.
  2. A thickly populated strip of land connecting two or more urban areas: the Boston-Washington corridor.
corridors of power
  1. A place in which powerful leaders work and rule.
[French, from Italian corridore, from correre, to run, from Latin currere.]


━━ n. 通廊, 廊下, (狭い)ルート; 限定された空路[ルート]; 回廊(地帯) (the Polish ~).
corridors of power 〔英〕 (the ~) 権力の回廊 ((重要な政治決定をするグループ)).
corridor train 〔英〕 通廊列車.


--> ━━ n. じょうご; (漏斗形の)通風筒, 採光孔; (機関車・汽船の)煙突.
━━ v. (〈英〉-ll-) じょうごを通す; (狭いところを)通過する; じょうご状にする[なる]; (資金などを)注ぎ込む (((in)to)).
