2010年4月18日 星期日

fit (sb) like a glove, hand in glove, 'taking the gloves off'

Editorial 2010-04-19FT社评:美国证交会与高盛决斗

The term 'taking the gloves off' stems from the sport of boxing whereby you put on gloves to fight someone else for the glory of overcoming your opponent. Taking the gloves off therefore shows the willingness of a person or persons to work out a difficult situation by communicating in a way that is far less confronting. It has been used in a non-physical form mainly to describe two combatants in a political situation that agree to communicate formally to find an amicable solution. The official origin of the term is unknown.


  • fit like a glove 完全相合, 恰好
  • glove compartment 汽車儀錶板的小櫃
  • glove puppet 手套式布偶
  • hand in glove 親密地, 勾結著
  • kid glove 羔皮手套
  • take the gloves off 強硬或厲害起來

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 手袋, グローブ, グラブ


  • glove compartment グローブボックス
  • glove puppet 指人形
  • take the gloves off 本気で戦う

Such hand-in-glove approach with suppliers...

A year later, Kastor got a first-hand look at the precision of Mimura’s work. She met him for a fitting during the 2001 world track championships in Edmonton, Alberta. Using a tape measure, Mimura spent 20 minutes measuring her feet, Kastor said, including the length and circumference of each toe, the width of her heel, the length of her Achilles’ tendon and the width of her foot at six or seven spots.

“I didn’t know you could get that many measurements for a foot,” Kastor said. “But the shoes he made fit like a glove.”

fit (sb) like a glove

if a piece of clothing fits someone like a glove, it fits their body perfectly

My new jeans contain Lycra so they fit like a glove.

hand in glove

On intimate terms, in close association, as in The internist is hand in glove with the surgeon, so you'd better get a second opinion. This metaphoric expression for a close fit was already included in John Ray's 1678 collection of proverbs, when it was put hand and glove.
