2019年12月13日 星期五

Avert Disaster Downriver, avert the risk of further landslides

Sirtris, a drug company, has two drugs in clinical trials that it hopes will avert degenerative diseases of aging.

China Lets Town’s Ruins Wash Away, in Effort to /

The True Story of the Aberfan Disaster

The 1966 Welsh mining tragedy claimed the lives of 116 children and 28 adults and features heavily in the third season of Netflix's "The Crown"

Helpers fill sandbags on the tip above the shattered Pantglas Junior School to divert a spring and avert the risk of further landslides at Aberfan, South Wales. (Photo by Fox



avert (PREVENT)
verb [T]
to prevent something bad from happening; avoid:
to avert a crisis/conflict/strike/famine
to avert disaster/economic collapse

adverb, adjective
downstreamdownstream Adverb, adjective
in the direction a river or stream is flowing:
The current carried her downstream.
Compare upstream.
