2020年1月8日 星期三

rig, "rigged", downwind, sloop, unrigged, market rigging, fore-and-aft, loner, misplace,credit-bearing, wind farm, fish farm, Animal Farm,

The generals can claim a clumsy victory. But democracy is suffering a lasting defeat

Thailand’s military junta gets its way in a rigged vote
Its supporters do well enough to keep it in power

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders say the American economy is "rigged". They may have a point

Time for a giant dose of competition

Europeans and Americans envy how efficient and clean it is. Authoritarians gaze in awe at how the ruling party has stayed in power despite facing regular, unrigged elections

Malaysia Opposition Leader Vows to Fight 'Rigged' Vote3

The bribes left behind angry competitors who were shut out of contracts and local residents in poor countries who, because of rigged deals, paid too much for necessities like roads, power plants and hospitals, prosecutors said.

Prison Term Sought for Ex-Parmalat Chief
Milan-based prosecutors requested a 13-year sentence for the founder of Italy's dairy giant Parmalat, who has been charged with market rigging.
The army believes it is making progress: the rate of deaths and injuries has declined markedly in the past few months. But this may be false optimism. The ICG report notes that the rebels, while launching fewer small attacks, are resorting to more “spectaculars”. The latest example of this was a car bomb near a police station in the tourist town of Sungai Kolok on August 21st. The insurgents had set off a smaller bomb to draw the security forces into the area before detonating the explosives-rigged car, killing a newspaper reporter.

To sail 'by and large' required the ability to sail not only as earlier square-rigged ships could do, i.e. downwind, but also against the wind.

After the first attack, in which a man stabbed and killed eight children outside an elementary school in Fujian Province on March 23, the Internet and government media bubbled with outrage, and the state-run Xinhua news service issued a lengthy study of the loner who committed the crime.

Deadliest Danger Isn’t at the Rig but on the Road
Community college placement tests are a big deal. They determine whether someone can enroll in credit-bearing courses or is in need of serious remediation. But, according to a new report, many students simply don’t understand the high-stakes nature of these tests and are, more often than not, completely unprepared to take them. WestEd, an education research organization, released a report Friday about “students’ perceptions of assessment and course placement” in California’s community colleges. The report is based, in part, on interviews with 257 students at five California community colleges. Though the report’s authors also analyzed community college assessment and placement policies statewide to show their rampant inconsistency, they stress the importance of documenting student confusion about how this system works. The article is in Inside Higher Ed.

On City Subway Map, Mistakes and Phantom Blocks
More than 30 years after a redraw of the New York City subway map, geographical inaccuracies have surfaced: a stretch of Broadway is misplaced, and West End Avenue extends too far north. 

Sugarland Concert at Indiana State Fair Turns Deadly

High winds and stormy weather collapse rigging, killing four and injuring dozens.

George Orwell
When Animal Farm was published in 1945, its British author George Orwell (a pseudonym for Eric Arthur Blair) had already waited a year and a half to see his manuscript in print. Because the book criticized the Soviet Union, one of England's allies in World War II, publication was delayed until the war ended. It was an immediate success as the first edition sold out in a month, nine foreign editions had appeared by the next year, and the American Book-of-the-Month Club edition sold more than a half-million copies. Although Orwell was an experienced columnist and essayist as well as the author of nine published books, nothing could have prepared him for the success of this short novel, so brief he had considered self-publishing it as a pamphlet. The novel brought together important themes — politics, truth, and class conflict — that had concerned Orwell for much of his life. Using allegory — the weapon used by political satirists of the past, including Voltaire and Swift — Orwell made his political statement in a twentieth-century fable that could be read as an entertaining story about animals or, on a deeper level, a savage attack on the misuse of political power. While Orwell wrote Animal Farm as a pointed criticism of Stalinist Russia, reviews of the book on the fiftieth-anniversary of its publication declared its message to be still relevant. In a play on the famous line from the book, "Some animals are more equal than others," an Economist reviewer wrote, "Some classics are more equal than others," and as proof he noted that Animal Farm has never been out of
print since it was first published and continues to sell well year after year.

Pete Seeger          
Pete Seeger
"This instrument surrounds hate and forces it to surrender," reads the inscription on Pete Seeger's banjo. Seeger, who turns 89 today, has been using his music to bring equality, reason and peace to the world for some 70 years. An ardent environmentalist and political activist, he has received awards over the past dozen years for some of the same things that got him blacklisted in the '50s. He lives with his wife in a house they built many years ago, in the Hudson Valley Region of New York. Concerned about the growing pollution of the Hudson River, he formed Hudson River Sloop Clearwater in 1966; the sloop Clearwater regularly sails down the Hudson, as it hosts education programs about water pollution and teaches ways to clean the river.


A single-masted, fore-and-aft-rigged sailing boat with a short standing bowsprit or none at all and a single headsail set from the forestay.
[Dutch sloep, from Middle Dutch slūpen, to glide.]
n. - 單桅帆船?
n. - スループ帆船

Wikipedia article "Sloop".

The word rigged is used to describe situations where unfair advantages are given to one side of a conflict. 2. Describes the side of the a conflict that holds an ...

rig ,操縱、舞弊。當韋恩·哈威斯坦的案件重回公共視野,時報專欄作家Laura Kipnis寫道,我們將這名被控性侵和強奸的好萊塢大亨看作是惡魔,但不止是他一個人的問題, 整個好萊塢體係都被這種性交易所操縱了 (the whole system is rigged)。
verb [T] -gg-
to fix a piece of equipment in place:
We rigged up a tent between two trees.
The sailors rigged the ship with new sails.

noun [U]
the ropes which support and control a ship's sails
See also rigging at rig (DISHONESTLY ARRANGE).

  1. Nautical.
    1. From the bow of a ship to the stern; lengthwise.
    2. In, at, or toward both ends of a ship.
  2. In or at the front and back.


━━ n. 【海事】前檣(しょう)支索.

  1. A tract of land cultivated for the purpose of agricultural production.
    1. A tract of land devoted to the raising and breeding of domestic animals.
    2. An area of water devoted to the raising, breeding, or production of a specific aquatic animal: a trout farm; an oyster farm.
  2. An area of land devoted to the storage of a commodity or the emplacement of a group of devices: a tank farm; an antenna farm.
  3. Baseball. A minor-league club affiliated with a major-league club for the training of recruits and the maintenance of temporarily unneeded players.
  4. Obsolete.
    1. The system of leasing out the rights of collecting and retaining taxes in a certain district.
    2. A district so leased.

v., farmed, farm·ing, farms. v.tr.
  1. To cultivate or produce a crop on.
  2. To pay a fixed sum in order to have the right to collect and retain profits from (a business, for example).
  3. To turn over (a business, for example) to another in return for the payment of a fixed sum.
To engage in farming.

phrasal verb:
farm out
  1. To send (work, for example) from a central point to be done elsewhere.
  2. Baseball. To assign (a player) to a minor-league team.
[Middle English, lease, leased property, from Old French ferme, from Medieval Latin firma, fixed payment, from Latin firmāre, to establish, from firmus, firm.]

fish farm
A commercial facility consisting of tanks or ponds in which fish are raised for food.

fish-farm fish'-farm' (fĭsh'färm') v.
fish farmer fish farmer n.

Big Wind Farm Off Cape Cod Gets Approval
After nine years of review, the approval of a 130-turbine farm off the coast of Cape Cod gives a significant boost to the nascent offshore wind industry in the U.S.

Filipinos Rely on Armies of Their Own for Influence

As the Philippines prepares for elections, politicians are likely to use militias to safeguard their interests, intimidate rivals, rig votes and perpetuate dynasties.


rig, downwind, market rigging

The bribes left behind angry competitors who were shut out of contracts and local residents in poor countries who, because of rigged deals, paid too much for necessities like roads, power plants and hospitals, prosecutors said.

Prison Term Sought for Ex-Parmalat Chief
Milan-based prosecutors requested a 13-year sentence for the founder of Italy's dairy giant Parmalat, who has been charged with market rigging.

The army believes it is making progress: the rate of deaths and injuries has declined markedly in the past few months. But this may be false optimism. The ICG report notes that the rebels, while launching fewer small attacks, are resorting to more “spectaculars”. The latest example of this was a car bomb near a police station in the tourist town of Sungai Kolok on August 21st. The insurgents had set off a smaller bomb to draw the security forces into the area before detonating the explosives-rigged car, killing a newspaper reporter.

To sail 'by and large' required the ability to sail not only as earlier square-rigged ships could do, i.e. downwind, but also against the wind.

wind farm
A power plant that uses windmills or wind turbines to generate electricity.

Show phonetics
adverb, adjective
in the direction in which the wind blows; with the wind behind:
The smoke drifted downwind.
They live downwind of a pig-farm and sometimes the smell is awful.
Compare upwind.

rig (DISHONESTLY ARRANGE) Show phonetics
verb [T] -gg-
to arrange dishonestly for the result of something, for example an election, to be changed:
Previous elections in the country have been rigged by the ruling party.

rigging Show phonetics
noun [U]
when a vote or result, etc. is rigged:
Definition of rig

verb (rigs, rigging, rigged)

[with object]
  • manage or conduct (something) fraudulently so as to gain an advantage:the results of the elections had been rigged (as noun, in combination -rigging)charges of vote-rigging
  • cause an artificial rise or fall in prices in (the stock market) with a view to personal profit:he accused games firms of rigging the market


  • a trick or swindle.


late 18th century (in the noun sense): of unknown origin

ballot rigging
Opposition parties have protested over alleged vote rigging in the election.
See also rigging at rig (FIX IN PLACE).


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[béəriŋ]

1 [U][C]身のこなし, 挙動, 姿勢;態度, ふるまい, 物腰(behavior)
an upright bearing
a haughty [a polite] bearing
his bearing toward women
2 [U]結実(能力), 結実期;出産(能力);[U][C]収穫, 作物(crop)
child bearing
a tree past bearing
three bearings (in) a year
3 [U]がまん, 辛ぼう, 忍耐
Your conduct is beyond [past] (all) bearing.
4 [U][C](…との)関係, 関連;(…への)影響((on, upon ...));面(aspect);意味, 趣旨
a direct bearing
have no bearing on ...
…とは無関係である, に影響しない
consider the matter in all its bearings
5 方角, 方向(direction);《測量》方位(角)
magnetic bearings
take a compass bearing
6 ((〜s))(ある目標に対する自己の)相対的位置;方向[位置]感覚;立場
take [get, find] one's bearings
lose [be out of] one's bearings in the woods
bring a person to his bearings
7 《建築》(建造物の)支持部分;支柱;支承.
8 ((通例〜s))《機械》軸受け, ベアリング.
9 ((通例〜s))《紋章》盾形に描く図形.

 (mĭs-plās') pronunciation
tr.v., -placed, -plac·ing, -plac·es.
    1. To put into a wrong place: misplace punctuation in a sentence.
    2. To mislay: I misplaced my wallet.
  1. To bestow (confidence, for example) on an improper, unsuitable, or unworthy person or idea.
misplacement mis·place'ment n.

Meaning #1: a person who avoids the company or assistance of others
Synonyms: lone wolf, lone hand

downwind Show phonetics
adverb, adjective
in the direction in which the wind blows; with the wind behind:
The smoke drifted downwind.
They live downwind of a pig-farm and sometimes the smell is awful.
Compare upwind.

 (rĭg) pronunciation
tr.v., rigged, rig·ging, rigs.
  1. To provide with a harness or equipment; fit out.
  2. Nautical.
    1. To equip (a ship) with sails, shrouds, and yards.
    2. To fit (sails or shrouds, for example) to masts and yards.
  3. Informal. To dress, clothe, or adorn: The costumer rigged out the actors in peasant clothing.
  4. To make or construct in haste or in a makeshift manner: rig up a tent for the night.
  5. To manipulate dishonestly for personal gain: rig a prizefight; rig stock prices.
  1. Nautical. The arrangement of masts, spars, and sails on a sailing vessel.
  2. Special equipment or gear used for a particular purpose.
    1. A truck or tractor.
    2. A tractor-trailer.
    3. A vehicle with one or more horses harnessed to it.
  3. The special apparatus used for drilling oil wells.
  4. Western U.S. See saddle (sense ).
  5. Informal. A costume or an outfit: wore an outlandish rig to the office.
  6. Fishing tackle.
[Middle English riggen, probably of Scandinavian origin, akin to Norwegian rigga, to bind.]

rig (DISHONESTLY ARRANGE) Show phonetics
verb [T] -gg-
to arrange dishonestly for the result of something, for example an election, to be changed:
Previous elections in the country have been rigged by the ruling party.

rigging Show phonetics
noun [U]
when a vote or result, etc. is rigged:
ballot rigging
Opposition parties have protested over alleged vote rigging in the election.
See also rigging at rig (FIX IN PLACE).

rig (FIX IN PLACE) Show phonetics
verb [T] -gg-
to fix a piece of equipment in place:
We rigged up a tent between two trees.
The sailors rigged the ship with new sails.

rigging Show phonetics
noun [U]
the ropes which support and control a ship's sails
See also rigging at rig (DISHONESTLY ARRANGE).

With Style From the Past, a Rig to Call Home

The LoneStar took design ideas from D-Series trucks of the 1930s.

Published: March 2, 2008

THE truck driver has long had the image of the heroic loner, an image reinforced in country music and in films like “They Drive by Night” in 1940 with George Raft and Humphrey Bogart and “Convoy” in 1978 with Kris Kristofferson.

Soaring Fuel Prices Take a Withering Toll on Truckers
Thousands of truckers are selling used rigs in what appears to be the biggest shakeout since trucking was deregulated in 1980.


--> ━━ n., vt. (-gg-) 索具を装着する(こと), 艤装(ぎそう)(する) ((with)); 装備(する) ((with)); 用具一式; =oilrig; 〔話〕 衣服; 着飾らせる ((out, up)); 急ごしらえする ((up)); 〔米〕 馬車; (トレーラーを引いた)トラクター.
rig・ger ━━ n. 索具装着者; (滑車・クレーンなどの綱具の)巻き上げ工; 【航空】整備工; …式帆船 (a square-~ger 横帆船).
rig・ging ━━ n. (普通the ~) ((集合的)) 索具; 用具一式.
rig-out 〔英話〕 衣服 ((旅支度などの)).

rig (TRUCK) Show phonetics
noun [C] MAINLY US
a truck consisting of two or more parts which bend where they are joined so that the vehicle can turn corners more easily
