2009年3月19日 星期四

Offer a Hand, slap, hold sth out (OFFER)

Turkey Nears Deal on Aid This Month
Turkey appears to be opening the way for a deal with the IMF after holding out against a support package.

When Burmese Offer a Hand, Rulers Slap It
Published: May 12, 2008

MA NGAY GYI, Myanmar — When one of Myanmar’s best-known movie stars, Kyaw Dhyu, traveled through the Irrawaddy Delta in recent days to deliver aid to the victims of the May 3 cyclone, a military patrol stopped him as he was handing out bags of rice.


hold out/offer an olive branch
to do or say something in order to show that you want to end a disagreement with someone:
He held out an olive branch to the opposition by releasing 42 political prisoners.

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hold sth out (OFFER) phrasal verb
to offer a possibility, solution, hope etc:
Few people hold out any hope of finding more survivors.

slap (HIT) Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 a quick hit with the flat part of the hand or other flat object:
She gave her son a slap for behaving badly.

2 INFORMAL a slap in the face an action that insults or upsets someone:
It was a real slap in the face for him when she refused to go out to dinner with him.

3 a slap on the back when someone hits you in a friendly way on the back in order to show praise for something you have done:
He's won - give him a slap on the back.

4 INFORMAL a slap on the wrist a gentle warning or punishment:
The judge gave Minna a slap on the wrist for not wearing her seat belt.

slap Show phonetics
verb [T] -pp-
to hit someone with the flat part of the hand or other flat object:
She slapped his face.
She slapped him across the face.
INFORMAL Her husband has been slapping her around (= hitting her repeatedly), but she's afraid to go to the police.
His friends slapped him on the back when he said he was getting married (= hit him lightly on the back in a friendly way to express pleasure at what he had done).
When her ideas were rejected, she slapped her report (down) on the table and stormed out of the meeting.
