2021年12月26日 星期日

retold, ascetic, observe, deeply observant, relief worker, feasts and famines, Passover, Talmudic

香港本土何東歐亞貴族之後新進藝術家何慧恩(Sophia Hotung ),就以紐約人雜誌為藍本成的《香港人》封面,展出多幅《香港人》為題的畫作,無懼展示對香港的愛。
鄧達智的設計作品擺放在荷里活道邊,背景街對面的「老五馬經報社」,剛好有一股濃烈的香港味襯托,非常的「曾灶財」——不錯,由意大利回來,你的眼睛會更加artistically observant。

A Midsummer Night's Dream

7/15馬克白 Macbeth
The Taming of The Shrew

Much Ado About Nothing


Shakespears retold
MY life has turned Talmudic. A friend, aware of my religious upbringing, talked me into doing a new translation of the Haggadah — the book from which the story of Exodus is retold in Jewish households, read aloud at the Passover dinners taking place tonight.

It took a lot of convincing; I’ve been — for a long time — proudly and radically secular. But, as with the rest of my deeply observant family, once I’m committed to an undertaking, it’s zealousness or bust. “Born to Be Ascetic” is the tattoo my mother sports across her back...or the one she would, were she the tattooing kind.

Farming's Sudden
Feasts and Famines

As grain prices rise and fall and perhaps rise again, growers struggle to navigate a new age of volatility and high costs.

More Tragedy Amid China's Mourning
As China observed three minutes of silence to mourn the country's tens of thousands of earthquake victims, more than 200 relief workers were reported buried in a mudslide in Sichuan province.


[動](他)1 ((形式))[III[名]/that節]…を見る, 〈…ということに〉気づく;[V[名]do/[名]doing]〈人が〉(…するのを)見守る;[V[名](to be)[名][[形...
[名]1 観察者, 観測者;監視者;《軍事》航空偵察員, 機上偵察員.2 (法律・慣習などの)遵守者.3 (会議の)オブザーバー, 立会人.4 意見を述べる人, 評者.5 ((the O-))オ...
observe (OBEY) Show phoneticsverb [T] FORMAL to obey a law, rule or custom:People must observe the law. Nobody should be an exception.The old people in the village still observe the local traditions.Do you observe Passover?

Tokyo marks 15th anniversary of subway gas attack
Washington Post
Tokyo subway workers observed a moment of silence Saturday to mark the 15th anniversary of a fatal nerve gas attack, Japan's deadliest act of domestic ...

observe abstinence :守小齋;(吃)小齋:按教會規定,小齋日禁食熱血動物的肉,但魚、蛋及乳類食物不在此限(法典 1251 )。
observe fast :守大齋;節食;(吃)大齋:按教會規定,大齋日只能飽食一餐,其他兩餐可進少量食物(法典 1252 )。
observe the holy days :守瞻禮日;過宗教節日:指按照教會的規定,善度宗教節日;譬如當天應該參加彌撒、禁止勞役(法典 1246-1247 )。
relief (HELP) Show phonetics noun [C or U]food, money or services which provide help for people in need:an international relief operationrelief agencies/suppliesPop stars have raised millions of pounds for famine relief in Africa.
relieve Show phoneticsverb [T] 1 to provide relief for a bad situation or for people in need:emergency food aid to help relieve the famine2 to take the place of someone and continue doing their job or duties:I'm on duty until 2 p.m. and then Peter is coming to relieve me.
3 FORMAL to free a place that has been surrounded by an enemy army by military force:An armoured battalion was sent to relieve the besieged town.
noun [C or U]
when there is not enough food for a great number of people, causing illness and death, or a particular period when this happens:
Another crop failure could result in widespread famine.
There were reports of refugees dying of famine.
Thousands of people emigrated during the Irish potato famine of 1845-46.

Passover Show phonetics
noun [C or U] (ALSO Pesach)
a Jewish celebration in March or April every year to remember the escape of the Jews from Egypt

the Talmud honetics
noun [S]
the collection of ancient Jewish laws and tradition for religious and social matters


avoiding physical pleasures and living a simple life, often for religious reasons:
They live a very ascetic life.

noun [C]
He lived as an ascetic.
