2009年3月10日 星期二

efficacy, effectiveness, efficiency

China has moved quickly to mobilise, but has yet to respond to offers of foreign aid from the governments of Japan, the Czech Republic and others. Given the magnitude of the disaster, and the likely increase in the death toll, China certainly faces further tests on the efficacy of its response.

It may also be troubled by unsettling questions about its level of pre-earthquake preparedness. It is one thing to build dams and Olympic venues to proper standards, but with so many other buildings collapsing particular scrutiny may fall on China's system for setting and enforcing construction codes in earthquake-prone zones such as Sichuan.

彼得•杜拉克(Peter Drucker)在《有效的主管》一書中曾說:「效率efficiency,就是『以正確的方式做事』;效能effectiveness,就是『做正確的事』。」

Unimpressed with Judicial Efficacy and Corruption Clean-up
Aside from putting the development of the economy and relations with China under a microscope, Taiwanese are also split over the Ma administration's efforts in achieving its professed goals of cleaning up government and reforming the judicial system.
Some 41.2 percent of respondents felt that justice in Taiwan has taken a step backwards since the Ma government took power, compared to 28.3 percent who believed it had improved. (Table 20)
This split is particularly evident across partisan lines, with DPP supporters by and large (76.8 percent) believing that the judicial system is unfair and plagued by human rights infringements and targeted prosecutions. A narrow majority of KMT backers (50.3 percent), on the other hand, feel the judicial system has improved since the KMT government took office.
The results indicate that how the public judges the judicial system and whether it trusts it is closely correlated to their political leanings. Their views may also be closely related to how Taiwan's partisan media slant developments in high-profile legal cases on a daily basis.
Respondents were also split on whether the new administration has mitigated corruption in government, with 38.3 percent saying the situation has improved, and 36.1 percent saying it has not. The finding does not reflect well on Ma, who made clean governance one of his main campaign planks. (Table 21)

人 民除了對經濟、兩岸關係發展用放大鏡檢視外,對於馬政府一向強調的清廉政治與司法改革成效,也立場分歧。認為馬政府上台後,司法正義退步的比例高 達四一.二%,認為進步的為二八.三%;若與政黨傾向交叉分析,民進黨支持者認為司法退步高達七六.八%,綠營支持者普遍認為司法不公、侵犯人權或針對性 辦案比例高;而國民黨認為司法進步很多的為五○.二%。顯示人民對司法的信賴感與評價,與政治傾向高度相關,也與意識形態分明的媒體天天各擁立場地討論進 行中的司法案件有關。

noun [U] FORMAL
an ability, especially of a medicine or a method of achieving something, to produce the intended result; effectiveness:
They recently ran a series of tests to measure the efficacy of the drug.

adjective FORMAL
able to produce the intended result; effective

━━ n. 効力, 効能.⇒efficacious

unsettled (ANXIOUS)
