2022年6月6日 星期一

high-roller, reverse gear, reverse-engineer, reversal, Reversion, low-roller, toque, mercer, livery, back down on

Beijing gets far more credit than it is due for investments in the region.

Honda's chief executive announced his resignation from the top job at Japan's third-largest carmaker earlier today. Unfortunately for his successor, Honda's profits look like they are going the same way as its sales: downwards http://econ.st/1D3UFrL

Casinos in Asia
The rise of the low-rollers

The local government asked a university’s sports department to lend it an old German-made bobsled, which members of Mr. Hosogai’s group then reverse-engineered. Within two weeks, they had made their own parts, which they said were stronger than the German ones because they were shaped from single pieces of steel, instead of welded from separate pieces.

In Reversal, House G.O.P. Agrees to Lift Debt Limit

Republicans said they would back down on the borrowing limit to open a window for Congress to pass a budget and begin talks on long-term deficit reduction.

An annual conference teaches doctors to wear chefs' toques.

New Normal on Wall Street: Smaller and Restrained With firms like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley reporting weak results for last year, Wall Street is having to confront doubts about itself.

Is this a temporary slump? Or will the moneymakers never get to go back to their high-rolling ways? Many on Wall Street had hoped 2011 would be a year when the investment banks showed that they could still make solid profits in the more sober financial environment that has followed the 2008 crisis.

Google Nips and Tucks Google Book Search Deal
The revised deal also addresses concerns from Amazon, the Department of Justice and others that Google would have too much control over orphan works. ...

EuroVox | 07.04.2008 | 05:30

Cosmetic Surgery Is On The Rise -- And So Are Reversals

Over 32,000 cosmetic augmentations were carried out in Great Britain last year -- 12 percent more than the year before. But cosmetic surgeons worry that the public are not considering the risks.

reverse gearLine breaks: re|verse gear

Definition of reverse gear in English:


gear used to make a vehicle or piece of machinerymove or work backwards:he started the engine and crunched into reverse gear
1. someone who spends a lot of money or who gambles with large amounts of money 2. someone who…

high roller, also referred to as a whale, is a gambler who consistently wagers large amounts of money. High rollers often receive lavish "comps" from casinos to lure them onto the gambling floors, such as free private jet transfers, limousine ...


n. Slang
  1. One who spends freely and extravagantly, as for luxuries or entertainment.
  2. One who gambles rashly or for high stakes.
  3. An organization, such as a large corporation, that spends or invests liberally or rashly.
high-rolling high'-roll'ing (''lĭng) adj.

Low Roller

A gambling expert who is not extremely wealthy or showy; a casino regular who makes enough to know the manager and get by.
I come in here and count cards once a week to pay the rent, nothing fancy, just a low roller.

verb [I or T]
to (cause something to) go backwards, or to change the direction, order, position, result, etc. of something to its opposite:
MAINLY UK She reversed (US USUALLY backed) (the car) into the parking space.
The new manager hoped to reverse the decline in the company's fortunes.
Now that you have a job and I don't, our situations are reversed.
The Court of Appeal reversed the earlier judgment and set him free.

1 the reverse the opposite of what has been suggested:
The teachers say my son is slow, but I believe the reverse (is true).

2 the reverse the back of a coin, medal, etc:
The English £1 coin has a royal coat of arms on the reverse.

3 [U] (ALSO reverse gear) the method of controlling a vehicle that makes it go backwards:
To go backwards, you must put the car in/into reverse (gear).

4 [C] FORMAL a defeat or failure:
They suffered a serious military/political reverse.

noun [C]
1 when something changes to its opposite:
He demanded a reversal of the previous decision/policy.

2 a problem or failure:
We have suffered a couple of minor/temporary reversals.

1 If something is reversible, it can be changed back to what it was before.

2 describes clothes that can be worn so that the inside becomes the outside:
a reversible raincoat


━━ vt. 逆にする, 裏返す; 逆転[逆流,交換]する; 一変する; 【法】取消す.
━━ vi. 逆になる[回る], 戻る.
reverse arms (葬式などで)銃を逆さに担う.
reverse the charges 料金先方払いで電話をかける.
━━ a. 逆の ((to)); 逆転の; (自動車のギアが)後退の; 裏の.
in reverse order 逆の順序で.
━━ n. (the ~) 反対; (the ~) (貨幣・メダルなどの)裏; 逆(回り); 逆進[後退]装置, バックギア; (車を)バックさせながら曲がること (reverse turn); 不幸.
in reverse 逆の[に]; (車が)バックギアになって; 背面に.
 ━━ n. 逆転, 反転; 不運.
reversed charge 〔英〕 =collect call.
reverse discrimination 逆差別.
reverse-engineer ━━ vt., n. 逆行組成(を行う), 分解模倣(する) ((他社製品を分解・分析して設計技術を取り込むこと)).
reverse engineering 分解工学.
reverse gear 逆進[後退]装置, バックギア.
re・verse・ly ━━ ad. 逆に; これに反して.
reverse osmosis 【化】逆浸透 ((半透膜を用いて塩水から純水を得る方法)).
reverse Polish notation 【コンピュータ】逆ポーランド記法 ((数式記法の一つ;略RPN)).
reverse print 【コンピュータ】反転印刷.
reverse racism (白人層への)逆人種差別.
reverse stock split 【株】株式併合.
reverse takeover 【株】逆買収, 逆乗っ取り ((小さな会社がより大きな会社を買収すること)).
reverse transcriptase 【遺伝】逆転写酵素.
reverse transcription 【生化】(RNAからDNAへの)逆転写.
reverse video 【コンピュータ】反転映像 ((画面上で,背景部分と,文字やカーソルの色とを逆にすること)).
re・vers・i・ble ━━ a., n. 逆[裏返し]にできる; 取消しできる; 両面着用できる服.
re・vers・i・bil・i・ty n. 逆にできること, 可逆性; 取消し可能(性).
re・vers・i・ble・ness n.
reversible process 【物】可逆過程.
reversing light (車の)後退灯.


  • 発音記号[tóuk]
1 トーク:縁のないぴったりした婦人帽.

(mûr'sər) pronunciation
n. Chiefly British
A dealer in textiles, especially silks.

[Middle English, from Old French mercier, trader, from merz, merchandise, from Latin merx, merc-, merchandise.]


  • 発音記号[lívəri][名](複-ies)
1 [U](家臣・使用人・組合員などの)そろいの衣服, 仕着せ;定服, 制服, 組合服
servants inout of] livery
take up one's livery
2 [U](特殊な)服装;((比喩))装い
trees in summer livery [=trees in the livery of summer
the livery of griefwoe
clothe oneself in the livery of other men's opinion
3 ((英))(ロンドンのシティーの)ギルド, 同業[定服]組合.Livery Company
4 [U]有料で馬を預かる[飼育する]こと.
(1) (乗用車・トラック・現金輸送車・自転車・ボートなどの)レンタル業者[会社].
(2) ((米))=livery stable.
6 [U]《法律》封建的土地占有引き渡し(式).
7 ((英))所有物[製品]につけた標章.

The Worshipful Company of Mercers is the premier Livery Company of the City of London and ranks first in order of precedence. It is the first of the so-called "Great Twelve City Livery Companies". Although of even older origin, the Company was incorporated under a Royal Charter in 1394, the Company's earliest extant Charter. The Company's aim was to act as a trade association for general merchants, and especially for exporters of wool and importers of velvet, silk and other luxurious fabrics. By the sixteenth century many members of the Company had lost any connection with the original trade. Today, the Company exists as a charitable institution, supporting a variety of causes. The Company's motto is Honor Deo, Latin for "Honour to God".
