2008年4月15日 星期二

move on, fuelled speculation

Kenya Is Attracting IPO Fever
Kenya's Safaricom is fueling IPO fever in the country with an $800 million stock offering. The deal could be an early indicator that Kenya's economy is moving on after political unrest.

fuel Show phonetics
verb [T] -ll- or US USUALLY -l-
1 to supply a system with a substance which can be burnt to provide heat or power:
Our heating system is fuelled by gas.
We have a gas-fuelled heating system.
petrol/hydrogen-fuelled cars

2 Something that fuels a feeling or a type of behaviour increases or strengthens it:
The rapid promotion of the director's son has itself fuelled resentment within the company.
The prime minister's speech fuelled speculation that she is about to resign.

move on (NEW ACTIVITY) phrasal verb
to start a new activity:
I'd done the same job for years and felt it was time to move on.

move on (NEW PLACE) phrasal verb
to leave the place where you are staying and go somewhere else:
I've been in Paris long enough - it's time to move on.
