2008年2月28日 星期四

holding operation and holding answer

holding operation noun [C usually singular] UK
a temporary way of dealing with a situation until a new and better way can be introduced:
This is just a holding operation until we get the new management structure sorted out.

holding answer


Parliamentary questions are conventionally answered within seven days of being lodged, or on a particular day for so-called "Named Day" questions. (Source: House of Commons Information Office, Factsheet P1, "Parliamentary Questions") A holding answer may be issued by a Minister if, for whatever reason, a substantive or final answer to the question cannot be provided in the time available.



「立法院」質詢制度,按照「立法院議事規則」第六十四條至六十六條及第六十九條規定,可分為「總質詢」,「預算質詢」、「專題質詢」與「專案質詢」四種。 前三者可以口頭或書面提出即席質詢,「專案質詢」只能以書面提出。此外,尚有「被質詢人,除為保守國防,外交秘密者外,不得拒絕答複」,而且還是「一問一 答」方式,而不能「綜合答複」。

