2007年12月15日 星期六

the bench and session

bench Show phonetics
noun [C]
a long, usually hard, seat for two or more people, often found in public places, or a long table for working on:
a park bench (= a seat in a public garden)
a work bench (= a table for working at)

the benches plural noun
in the British parliament building, the seats used by the members:
There was jeering from the Labour benches.

serve/sit/be on the bench
to work as a judge or magistrate

session (FORMAL MEETING) Show phonetics
noun [C or U]
a formal meeting or series of meetings of an organization such as a parliament or a law court:
The parliamentary session is due to end on May 27th.
The UN Security Council met in emergency session to discuss the crisis.

Judge removed

自由時報《中英對照讀新聞》Judge removed for jailing people over ringing cell phone為了手機鈴聲大作而把民眾關進監牢的法官遭到革職


A judge was removed from the bench for jailing 46 people after none would admit to having a cell phone that began ringing during his court session.



bench: 名詞,長椅,法官,法官席;運 動比賽中的板凳球員。on the bench:片語,擔任法官;等待出賽。例句:The old gentleman sitting on the bench looks like my late grandfather.(那位坐在長椅上的老先生長得很像我已故的祖父。))

這一段的翻譯漏了"during his court session"(在他審理庭上(鈴聲大作而無人認帳))
