2016年4月10日 星期日

crackle, tendon, tendinitis, snap inspection, make it snappy

Do Pain Relievers Heal Tendinitis, or Just Ease Pain?
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen are commonly given to blunt the pain and inflammation of tendinitis, but they may actually slow healing.

Wal-Mart: A Snap Inspection
The retailer's customer service scores low on our three-store visit. Says one worker: "If Wal-Mart doesn't care for me, why should I care?"

Obama Seeks to Snap Gloom
Obama, in his first formal address to Congress, straddled the divide between fear and hope, declaring the "day of reckoning has arrived" for an indulgent nation but vowing to lead a recovery from the deepest recession since World War II.

In Northern Virginia, on the fifth floor of the Transportation Security Administration’s secure operations center, officials were reviewing plans for responding to an air emergency at Barack Obama’s presidential inauguration — a bomb in an airport terminal, a shoulder-fired rocket, a plane explosion — when word of Flight 1549 crackled over a communication line linking scores of agencies across the country.

所以底下的 WSJ翻譯 可能是錯誤的 (同樣的 Fly the Friendly Sky 之翻譯 也可能有問題)

企業經常會將一大筆錢花費在培育品牌上面。品牌能夠激發消費者的熱情﹐鞏固他們的忠誠度。“飛向友好的天空”(Fly the Friendly Skies)仍會使人聯想到聯合航空公司(United Airlines)和那個快捷方便的飛行時代。家樂氏(Kellogg)旗下Rice Krispies品牌的“喀吧﹐劈啪﹐砰”(snap, crackle, pop)能讓許多消費者一下子就聯想到那種孩子們愛吃的大米脆片。

Some CEOs Advertise The `Me' Brand
Companies budget large amounts of money to develop brands that stir excitement and cement loyalty from customers. 'Fly the Friendly Skies' still evokes United Airlines and an era of hassle-free travel. The 'snap, crackle, pop' of Kellogg's Rice Krispies brand conjures up for many consumers an image of a cereal that's fun for kids.

Clinton, Obama Spar in Ohio Debate
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama clashed over the North American Free Trade Agreement, health care and the war in Iraq in a crackling debate at close quarters one week before a pivotal group of primaries in the U.S. presidential race.

crackle Show phonetics
verb [I]
to make a lot of short, dry, sharp sounds:
The radio started to crackle.
The logs crackled and popped in the fireplace.

crackle Show phonetics
noun [C or U]
the crackle of burning logs

crackling Show phonetics
noun [U]
We could hear the crackling of a fire.

crackly Show phonetics
a crackly voicecrackling Show phonetics
noun [U] (US ALSO cracklings)
the crisp skin of cooked pork (= meat from a pig)

snap (BREAK) Show phonetics
verb -pp-
1 [I or T] to cause something which is thin to break suddenly and quickly with a cracking sound:
You'll snap that ruler if you bend it too far.
Some vandal's gone and snapped off my car aerial again.

2 [I] to suddenly become unable to control a strong feeling, especially anger:
When she asked me to postpone my trip to help her move house, I just snapped (= got angry).

snap Show phonetics
1 [C usually singular] a sudden loud sound like something breaking or closing:
She broke the stick over her knee with a loud snap.

2 [C] US FOR press stud

snap (MOVE QUICKLY) Show phonetics
verb -pp-
1 [I or T; usually + adverb or preposition] to move into a position quickly, producing a brief noise as if breaking:
Tendons store elastic energy by stretching and then snapping back into shape like rubber bands.
Simply snap the pieces into place.

2 [I + adverb or preposition] to quickly return to a previous place or condition:
After substantial losses last year, the company has snapped back to profitability (= started making profits again).

snappy Show phonetics
make it snappy used to tell someone that you want them to do something immediately and to do it quickly:
I'd like my bill please, waiter, and make it snappy - I've already been waiting half an hour for it.
See also snappy (STYLISH)snappy (EFFECTIVE).


plural noun: tendons
  1. a flexible but inelastic cord of strong fibrous collagen tissue attaching a muscle to a bone.
    • the hamstring of a quadruped.

    板機指的醫學名稱為「手指屈肌腱的狹窄性肌腱鞘炎」(stenosing tenosynovitis of the flexor tendons, locked finger),因患者手指會卡在屈曲的位置無法自行伸直,用手去扳動時猶似扣板機般突然彈起,故名板機指。板機指患者有因工作造成者,亦有原因不明者,我屬後者。加上這次要動手術的兩手無名指,
  2. (或稱肌腱)是一堅韌的結締組織帶,通常將肌肉連接到骨骼[1],並可承受張力。腱類似韌帶筋膜,都是由膠原蛋白組成;不過,韌帶是連接骨骼,而筋膜則連接肌肉。肌腱與肌肉一起作用產生動作。

ten • di • ni • tis
  1. [名詞] 〔病理〕 腱炎けんえん.
  2. [語源]
    1900.<近代ラテン語 tendin-(→TENDINOUS)+-ITIS

verb -pp-
1 [I or T; usually + adverb or preposition] to move into a position quickly, producing a brief noise as if breaking:
Tendons store elastic energy by stretching and then snapping back into shape like rubber bands.
Simply snap the pieces into place.

2 [I + adverb or preposition] to quickly return to a previous place or condition:
After substantial losses last year, the company has snapped back to profitability (= started making profits again).

snappy Show phonetics
make it snappy used to tell someone that you want them to do something immediately and to do it quickly:
I'd like my bill please, waiter, and make it snappy - I've already been waiting half an hour for it.
Book publishers and filmmakers are learning to make it snappy06/30/2007
BY CHIAKI YOSHIMURA, THE ASAHI SHIMBUN Short stories and short films are riding a wave of popularity. The inaugural issue of Yom Yom, a literary magazine of mainly short stories, became hot news on the Internet and sold more than 80,000 copies.

See also snappy (STYLISH); snappy (EFFECTIVE).
snap (DONE SUDDENLY) Show phonetics
adjective [before noun]
done suddenly without allowing time for careful thought or preparation:
He always makes snap decisions and never thinks about their consequences.
