2007年10月2日 星期二

do (TRAVEL), towards, plate, registration (number)

 (FLAT PIECE) Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 a flat piece of something that is hard and does not bend:
Thick bony plates protected the dinosaur against attack.
The ship's deck is composed of steel plates.
See also license platesnumber plates.

2 SPECIALIZED a flat piece of metal with words and/or pictures on it that can be printed

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registration (number)
 noun [C] (UK INFORMAL regUS USUALLY license plate number)
the official set of numbers and letters shown on the front and back of a road vehicle:
Police are looking for a small blue car with the registration number K17 EMW.

towards (PURPOSE) Show phonetics
preposition (MAINLY US towardMAINLY UK
for the purpose of buying or achieving something:
I'm saving up to buy a car, and Dad has given me some money towards it.
Would you like to make a contribution (= give some money) towards a present for Linda?
The work that students do during the term counts towards their final grade.

"I don't want anything."
But I knew she wanted a scooter. I could leave a check with Towards a scooter on a card, and I thought she would take that, when I had gone.

TOWARDS was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.

do (TRAVEL) Show phonetics
verb [T] did, done
1 to travel a particular distance or to travel at a particular speed:
It's an old car and it's done over 80 000 miles.
My new car does 50 miles to the gallon/30 km to the litre (= uses one gallon of fuel to travel 50 miles, or one litre to travel 30 km).
We were doing 150 (km an hour) along the motorway.

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Measuring by Inches
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--> If you're doing 90 in the US, you're speeding; but if you're doing 90 in Italy, you're probably one of the slower drivers on the road. Of course, in the US, you would be driving at 90 miles an hour and in Italy at 90 kilometers an hour. Though most of the world uses the metric system of measurement, the US, Ireland and Great Britain are among the few that still use an imperial system of weights. Last month, the European Union reconsidered its demands that Britain and Ireland join the rest of Europe in measuring in meters. So, they may continue to sell milk in quarts, gasoline in gallons and cloth in yards.

2 to complete a journey:
We did the journey to Wales in five hours.
