2007年7月13日 星期五

chief executive 、CEO、CXO

chief executive noun [C usually singular] 或
chief executive officer noun [C] (ABBREVIATION CEO)
日本:chief executive officer 最高経営責任者 ((略 CEO)).
the person with the most important position in a company:
She's the chief executive of one of the country's largest charities.

the Chief Executive noun [S] US
the president of the United States
Chief Executive 〔米〕 (the ~) 大統領; (the c- e-) 州知事, 行政長官; =chief executive officer.
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)等

現在公司長官也流行採用”chief X officer.”方式
X= 任何重要職能,如COO,O為 operations;CFO,F為 Finance;CIO,I為 Information…….

3 則留言:

人事物 提到...

Today, Intermountain and technology partner GE Healthcare are embarked on a high-stakes development effort to redesign Intermountain's clinical and financial computing systems. The aim, James says, is to cull the best ideas used in cutting-edge computerized-process and production-management systems developed by nonhealthcare companies such as Alcoa and Wal-Mart. Alcoa, in particular, became a model after Paul O'Neill, the former U.S. Treasury Secretary and Alcoa chief executive officer and a disciple of quality guru W. Edwards Deming, toured Intermountain and criticized its overall system, James says. O'Neill "had followed Deming and had systems (at Alcoa) that supported frontline management," James says, giving Alcoa leaders "immediate data for managing your system."

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VeriSign said that its CFO has resigned and that the company has recorded $171 million in compensation expenses to account for mishandled stock-option grants.

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Valleywag noted that previous reports suggesting Facebook's flip-flop-wearing chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, would be Sun Valley's 'it' boy were a bit off-base. Although speculation about a sale or initial public offering of his company are flying, Mr. Zuckerberg is expected at Fortune's iMeme conference in San Francisco this week. Owen van Natta, Facebook's chief operating officer, will be in Sun Valley instead.