2009年2月28日 星期六

bargaining power, unemployment

The Los Angeles Times leads with the local angle on the fiasco; California's unemployment rate topped 10 percent in January, well over the national average of 7.6 percent.

bargaining power
noun [C or U]
the ability of a person or group to get what they want:
Rising unemployment has diminished the bargaining power of people with jobs.

The bargaining power of these architects is buttressed by the spike in popular appreciation for architecture as an art form. “Architecture is one of the many expressions of the culture of the time,” said Wim de Wit, the Getty Research Institute’s curator of architectural collections. “It is as important as a literary archive or the archives of artists.”

(2 to make support for an idea or argument stronger by providing a good reason for it:
The arguments for change are buttressed by events elsewhere.)

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unemployed Show phonetics
not having a job that provides money:
He's been unemployed for over a year.

unemployed Show phonetics
plural noun
people who do not have a job that provides money:
There are now over four million unemployed in this country.
Tickets are £10 or £5 for the unemployed.

unemployment Show phonetics
noun [U]
1 the number of people who do not have a job which provides money:
Unemployment has fallen/risen again for the third consecutive month.

2 the state of being unemployed
