2007年6月29日 星期五

force, microblog

force ━━ n. 力; 勢い; 風力; 腕力; 暴力; 圧力; 武力; 軍隊; 総勢; (the ~) 警官隊; 集団; 気力; たくましさ; 支配[影響]力; 勢力; 説得力; 【法】効力; (ことばの)真意.

讀蔣彝(Chiang Yee)《湖區畫記》台北:西游記出版社,2007 才知道force另一義。這是一般字典不收的:force 可為瀑布(waterfall)-- {Shorter O. E. D.} 說,這是從古北歐字 fors來的,現在丹麥用fos;瑞典用 fors。它還收入電影Star Wars中用”Force”。


Web Is Now So Filled With Idle Chat, It's Almost Like Phoning
By Lee Gomes
Word Count: 855

Finally, technology has come to the rescue of sons too busy to call their mothers. Rather than going through all the trouble of picking up the phone, they can now just tap out a few lines of a microblog.

Microblogs are short text messages -- a phrase or two -- that you send to a chosen circle of friends and relatives, usually describing what you're up to at that very moment. It's a new kind of communication, with different social protocols than either email or instant messages. Recipients aren't expected to reply to them, just appreciate the update.

