2007年6月28日 星期四


譯評:這段翻譯忠實。缺點是末一點,原文說鍵盤系統是iPhone的一項寶貴資產和競爭優勢,並不是譯文所稱的「最」---最,可能是文後提的它的. I will say that the iPhone is the most sophisticated software platform ever created for a mobile device(蘋果為iPhone打造了迄今為止所有手機中最為複雜的軟件平台﹐)。「賣點」翻譯「advantage」可能不恰當。


Jobs: The iPhone has the best, most advanced keyboard in any mobile device. Like all small keyboards, it takes three or four days to get used to. IPhone users will quickly learn to trust its intelligence to correct their mistakes automatically. So far, everyone who has used it loves it, and reports that they are typing as fast or faster than they did on their Treo or BlackBerry or other smart phone. The iPhone's keyboard lets us use far more sophisticated software to improve accuracy, customize the keyboard for specific applications, and of course remove the keyboard when it's not needed, freeing iPhone's entire large screen for reading email, browsing the Web, looking at maps, enjoying photos and movies, and doing things we haven't yet invented. We think the iPhone's keyboard is one of its greatest assets and competitive advantages. 」 (WSJ)
